
"I need to take Chay to the gym today so he can learn some self-defence. If Porsche is back when I have him at the gym, he'll interfere."

"Porsche will interfere as soon as he finds out that you are near him, no matter what you want to do with Porchay. Especially since you haven't met officially yet. He'll be suspicious."

"If he had taken better care of his brother, I wouldn't be here," Kim grumbles.

"Maybe," Chan shrugs and his silence afterwards says more than his words before. "So no grand tour of the house today?" After a minute of silence in which they just look at each other, Chan changes the subject.

"No, maybe tomorrow or next week. Let's see what happens when my brother and his lover get back," Kim confirms.

"Do you need someone for the demonstration in the gym?"

"You're offering?"

"I'd like to survive the day," Chan shakes his head.

"What do the doctors say? Are you going to be OK?" Kim is worried about Chan. He doesn't like the way the older man winces in pain, walks slowly and favours one side. He's seen Chan injured before, but he's always bounced back.

"Hm. I've lost part of a lung, a kidney and there's more metal than bone in my left shoulder. These things can't be cured or reversed."

"If you want out, completely, tell me," Kim says quietly, softening his tone. He means it. He owes Chan so much that he's willing to get him out any way he can, even against Kinn's orders if necessary.

"Your brother has already offered to let me retire and live here or wherever I want. I need something to do, that's why I'm here." Kim is surprised that Kinn has apparently offered Chan a real retirement; Kim knows that, unlike his father, Kinn cares, but often chooses not to show it. Unless it is anger or cruelty, Kinn rarely shows emotion around his guards or strangers. He's the heir, after all, to be feared, not loved. Sometimes Kim wonders what kind of man Porsche is to have fallen for someone like that.

"So he hasn't forgotten everything," Kim remarks.

"If you just talked to him, you'd be surprised. Kinn is not your father. When you get to know Porsche, you'll see how different they are."

"We'll see," says Kim sceptically. So far he hasn't seen or heard anything that would make him change his mind about his asshole of a brother or his lover, who has simply abandoned his little brother Porchay.

"So, about the help in the gym? Should I send someone in?" Chan returns to the original question.

"No. I want Porchay alone."

"If you're sure."

"But make sure the cameras in the gym are working, just in case he gets hurt. I do not want to be shot by my brother's lover because his younger brother tripped over his own feet like Bambi and broke his arm."

Chan laughs and the sound frightens the bodyguards around them so much there's suddenly a hush in the big room. Both Kim and Chan sigh and exchange unnerved glances. They are surrounded by idiots!

"It's not polite to stare. Either eat your breakfast or get back to work. That's what you're paid for," Chan announces loudly in English, and the room erupts again. Some start eating again, some flee the room and some pretend to go back to their normal conversations, while still casting glances at the duo of Kim and Chan.

"You see, you still have the authority, if not the title, to boss them around," Kim grins.

"It also helps that I breakfast with the family's scary youngest prince."

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