Chapter Ten: Fav Chapter So Far

Start from the beginning

Feeling slightly frustrated at your lack of luck, you take a look back at Leon who is still fighting on the level of the settlement beneath you. You quickly realise something isn't right. He's on the bridge about to get blocked off from both sides, and that rotting bridge definitely can't support all that weight. Your eyes widen at what he's neglected to recognise through all his stress, your rifle immediately comes between your hands and you start trying to shoot off all the Ganado on one of the sides of the bridge so he has an escape, while approaching.

"Leon! Get off the bridge it's going to collapse!" You shout desperately, there are still a few more that you need to shoot before he can get off the bridge. A woman from a higher level, has a molotov that she's aiming for the bridge with, there is no denying the rackety, piece of shit bridge is about to fall into the abyss beneath it.

You run down to the edge of the bridge shooting as many off as you can in front of you, the bottle explodes behind him and the dry wood quickly gets licked up by the flames, along with the ropes holding it, his face is frantic when he looks behind him.

"Jump! Now!" You hold out your hand, and as the bridge rips in half he runs and jumps, latching onto your wrist. You're almost dragged down with him from his abysmal weight but you dig the ball of your feet into the ground, your eyes hopelessly shut as you hold your breath trying to heave him over the edge. You don't know how much power you have, and it's starting to look like you're about to send both of you flying off the edge.

His face turns to look to your side, his hand loses grip of your wrist but you still hold on tightly.

"What are you doing you fucking idiot?!" Your strained voice shouts.

"There's more coming. Let go before you kill us both." He sighs, his face destitute and beckons his head for you to look to your left.

Stiffly, your eyes follow his and there's a woman walking toward with a bat, but she's not coming fast. You have a minute before she gets here.

"Leon, I'm begging you. Thinking I can do this without you is stupid. Just. Get. Up." There's a ringing in your head which is blocking out all of his words as your body is so strained, your head is pulsating and its about to explode if you don't let go. But you ignore it. His muffled, and increasingly helpless voice gets louder and louder, until he's shouting but you can barely hear it through all the pressure in your head.

Please... Please... Five, four, three, two... One...

With the very last of what you have, you haul him over. Just enough so that he can grab onto the ledge and pull himself up. Your blood pressure and the lack of blood in your brain immediately causing you to black out, as your vision starts to get blurry you almost topple over the side but you feel Leon's chivalrous arm grab your shirt, pulling you back and holding you in his arm. You hear his gun fire a few times on top of his voice shouting your name.

And then everything completely fades to blackness, for the second time, perfect. It only feels like a second has gone by when you wake up next. You see Leon sitting in front of you inside one of the houses, leaning against the wall with his knee up and his arm leaning over it with a gun, looking down at his roughed, large hands, his hair messily hanging over his face. Part of his shirt is ripped and his jacket is gone, giving you a view of the skin beneath, and the shape of his chest. Nothing you haven't seen before, only it jumped out at you more when he was right in front of you, like this, the sunlight filtering through the wooden planks onto him. Gorgeous for a man who's playing around with his gun.

"How long was I out?" His bright eyes stay on his pistol and he replies in a low voice.

"Not long. 20 minutes maybe? Killed everyone, got the key while you were out cold. When we get back to HQ I'm definitely making you do more weight training for the amount of times you've had to catch me this mission."

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