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Bismark, North Dakota

Markus Winchester sat in the driver's seat of his father's Chevy Impala. He was checking the GPS, making sure he was close to the spot where he was hunting a Wendigo.

It had been a little over six months since his father's death at the hands of some vampires, and Markus still had some trouble believing his father was actually gone and wasn't coming back.

Hearing his phone ring, he checked it and saw it was his younger half-brother Ben calling "Hey Ben." he greets, and hears his little brother greet him back "Markus, Mom wants to know if you're coming to dinner in a few days." Ben says over the phone.

"I plan to be, just need to finish up this hunt and then I'll be there." he says "Hey Markus I was wondering-" "You can't join me in hunting Ben. Your mom was pretty clear she doesn't want you becoming a Hunter, and she and Jody scare me more than anything I've ever hunted," he says and receives a huff of annoyance. Markus rolls his eyes, sometimes Ben still acted like a moody teenager instead of the Twenty-Three-year-old he was.

"I'll see you then," Markus says, hanging up and getting out of his car, and heading to the back of the trunk where he began grabbing his .45 pistol, loading it with silver bullets, and a flare gun.

He shut the door and made to head into the woods when a hissing sound underneath his feet alerted him and he spotted a yellow circle forming underneath him. "Oh, what the f-" Markus yells as he falls into the portal, leaving the Impala alone in the woods.


Toni Stark and the other members of her team sat in the movie theater, having just finished the events of Thanos coming to Earth and wiping out half of all life in the universe and them going back in time to reverse the Snap, ending with her and Natasha's deaths.

"Before we go back to our time, there is one more thing we need to watch." Strange says, waving his hands and another portal appears, a man falling out of the portal. In a second the man was up, aiming the gun at them, looking confused and alarmed.

"What the fuck happened? Where the Fuck am I?" the man demands aiming the gun at each of them, then he froze as he noticed who exactly was in the room with him "How the hell are you two alive?" he asks, indicating Toni and Natasha.

"Well it's a long story?" Strange says, stepping over to him and explaining everything to him about the show about his life.

"What the hell, first those books and now a TV show?"

"Oh by the way, Toni this is Markus, your long lost son, Markus this is your mother." he says, and everyone stares at the man in shock "Dude you can't just drop something like that so casually." Harley says.

"I have an older brother? How come we didn't know about him?" Peter asks him mother, confused and a little hurt he never told him or Harley about an older brother.

"Markus was born when I was 18, but Howard refused to let me keep him, so I had to give him to his father. We fell out of contact a little bit afterwards." Toni says, tears in her eyes as she stares at her son.

Half an hour later, after everyone was composed enough to watch the show, Markus sat on his own couch, a little bit farther from the other occupants of the room as the screen turned on.

I will add characters as they appear in the show

Characters that will appear







Timeline Births of Stark/Winchester children

September 19, 1998- Markus is born

January 15, 2001- Harley and Peter are born

March 23, 2001- Ben Braeden/Winchester is born

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