She laughs, shaking her head, "Girl, you're gonna ask my favorite team, especially my favorite driver, for assistance?" She laughs even more.

"Believe me, I would do anything right now to stop Rafe from winning." There are still several laps, a lot can change in that time, right?

We watch the race in silence, enjoying the pack of salty chips. I check on the boys behind us, enjoying the race as well. But I catch Fred looking at back of Olivia, smiling softly. He tears away his gaze when he notices I caught him. I turn back to not embarrass him more and lean into Olivia. "Fred not watching the race, but watching you," I hum, "Interesting." She shakes her shoulders, "Too bad for him, I have no room for him as I have Ryan." I look at her, shocked.

"Girl,... You're unbelievable. Ryan has a girlfriend, there is no way he'll choose you over her." She puts her hand on her chest feeling offended, I laugh then continue, "Plus, Fred is adorable, he cared for you when you were injured, checked you before coming to work and after finishing it, asked me if you were okay. So why not give him a chance?" She rolls her eyes, "I don't need nobody's care. Plus, you're very aware of Lincoln's rule" I shake my head in disbelief, "Yeah, you need somebody's slap to knock some sense into you."

Lincoln's rule, nobody is allowed to date anyone involved in the motorsports world. He believes it's a work environment, not a Tinder app. He is right, we need to remain focused on our duties and keep it professional.

The crowd roars, which brings our attention back to the race and I saw something that pleased me, too much. Ryan is close to Rafe's car, he may have a chance to pass him and save me. I sit up straight, eyes fixed on the screen as Ryan inches closer to Rafe's car. My heart races with anticipation and excitement, hoping that Ryan will be able to pull it off and win the race. "Come on Ryan!" I shout out grabbing Olivia's arm. She looks at me amazed and confused. "What?" "Now, that is something." I roll my eyes playfully as she chuckles.

As the final lap unfolds, Rafe and Ryan are neck to neck, competing for the first place. Everybody stands from their seats from the tension, even me. I cross my fingers and silently pray for the Red Bull driver to win. It might be strange that I'm cheering for the rivals of my favorite team, but I can't lose the bet, I'll do anything to not lose it even throwing myself at Ryan if I have to.

They get closer and closer to the finish line, but the unexpected happens. Ryan's car suddenly loses control and spins out o the track, hitting the wall. My breath catches in my throat as I see the red Ferrari car crossing the finish line. I slump back in my seat, feeling defeated and disappointed. Olivia pats my back sympathetically, "I would've asked why you're not satisfied with your team's win, but I guess I already know the answer," she sighs, "If only that accident didn't happen."

I sight at my turn, combing my fingers through my hair. yeah, if only you didn't fall Olivia, I wouldn't meet this dumbass, I thought to myself.

I guess I'll leave disappointment for later, as I have a duty calling.


I sight again, disappointment for now.

It's the race winner's A.K.A Rafe fucking Alvarez interview. Couldn't Olivia just take this one? Why do I have to go through such torture? I take a deep breath and prepare myself to face Rafe's smug face.

There it is, his fucking wide white smile. He isn't just satisfied with his race win but also the bet win, I can see it through his smirk. I put on a professional demeanor and get into work mode.

"Rafe, Rafe, Rafe, the winner of this fabulous race. Congratulations on that. That is a good price for the Ferrari team after some tough races. Tell us, how do you feel after such victory?" I hope you feel the worst ever. I move the microphone close to his face, fighting the urge to shove it down his throat. "Amazing race, it always feels good to win in Ferrari's home circuit. I feel so satisfied and proud of the team, as we worked very hard today. I believe it's a day full of wins," he responds, his voice oozing with triumph. I nod, trying my best to maintain a neutral expression, "Indeed it is."

I continue the interview, asking some questions about his performance and strategies, until it was time for the celebration so we end the interview. Jackson excuses himself after turning off the camera, saying he needs to use the restroom and leaves me with the devil in person. If only your piss waited a bit longer, Jackson.

"The deal is still up, right?" He says with a teasing tone, mirthful with his achievement, "So, I guess I owe you something."

I turn my attention to him crossing my arms in front of my chest. "Go ahead, ask for what you want." His smile grows wider as he bites his lower lip's corner to control it, "Be patient, Lopez." I can feel a sense of frustration growing in me, "Listen," I take some steps closer, "I've already lost a lot of time with you, get to the─"

"Go on a date with me." He cuts me off, still grinning. "What?" I ask, slightly taken aback. He leans in to whisper in my ear, "Go on a date with me, mi sol." Surprised, I widen my eyes at his braveness. "You've lost your mind," I chuckle impatiently. "Why would you ask for that when we're already in a bad term?"

He shrugs, crossing his arms too. "I don't know. You already hate me enough, so taking you out will piss you more. I'd love to see that cute grumpy face of yours for a couple of hours." He motions to my face, his smile not leaving his face. I stand there, looking at him blankly. "You're losing my time and yours."

He raises his shoulders nonchalantly. "Losing feels good sometimes."

"How is that?" I ask.

He stays silent for a while, a while longer then what he's supposed to. I look up to see the brighest grin stretching his face as his toungue pushes the insides of his cheek, and that's when it clicks.

"You bastard," he chuckles as I hit his shoulder and cough, hard, very hard. He didn't just thing about that, didn't he? Oh no, Eleanor you got yourself in so much mess. You better refuse that bet right away, end whatever is starting between you and this man and keep it professional. Or, you know what's waiting for you tonight.

"Tonight, 8 pm sharp. Dress up and wear red, it suits you very well." He winks playfully, then gets to leave. Red? Oh no, he's taking me to hell.

"I didn't accept that, you can't oblige me to come," I call out after him. "You can't run away, Ele. You're going, even if that means I'll have to break into your apartment and take you with your pajamas." He responds, not ashamed that someone might hear his screaming. Before I could even argue and refuse, he disappeares in the crowd.

A date! With whom? Alvarez!

Oh, Faith, you will enjoy laughing at me tonight.


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