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She was an older woman, almost double her age. And while she didn't look it, it was her maturity that attracted Zendaya. She wasn't the first married woman that she'd been attracted to, but she was definitely the most successful. Her status as married mother of three automatically meant she must be good in bed, right? And even if it didn't, she wanted to know what married women fucked like, whether they were as filthy as she dreamed. Beyoncé certainly seemed like she was. She would get off stage every night sweaty and excited, and Zendaya would wonder what happened after she said goodnight to the crew. Did she go home and keep the performance going?

Working for Beyoncé had its challenges but being so attracted to your boss was verging on mental harassment. She thought about her more than she should, felt attracted to her at inappropriate times, and wanted to do everything she said without question.

"What's wrong?" Beyonce asked as they walked through the airport terminal. Zendaya had felt as though she was chasing after the long legged woman despite being taller than her, and was surprised Beyoncé had even remembered she was there, let alone noticed her mood.

"Nothing," Daya said, scrambling for her passport. It was unlike her to be so flustered but her mind was still on her crush. She wondered what is was about Jay Z that Beyoncé liked. He was in his fifties and looked like he got by on his charm mostly. He was tall and rich, but he didn't have much else going for him. He seemed to know it too, from the way he clung to her as if she might leave at any moment. As much as Zendaya hated to admit it, she was jealous of him. It wasnt an overpowering kind of jealousy, but more of a curiosity. How did he touch her, did he know how she tasted, how did he make her cum...

"You're lying," she said, raising one of her all-knowing brows. "I can tell."

"I'm not lying."

Beyoncé paused walking to look her up and down. "Then why are you acting so weird?" She asked in a way that made Zendaya soften. It was funny because she was acting weird even as she tried to appear normal - her face was sweaty, she was rushing to keep up, and she couldn't stop fantasising about her boss.

"I don't know"

"Is something bothering you?" Her accent drew out when she spoke and she looked into Zendayas eyes.

What's bothering me is how much I want you to fuck you Beyoncé? She sighed. That wouldn't go down well. She would think she was some kind of pervert. Then again maybe she was for having these thoughts about a married woman. It wasn't the first time she'd had these thoughts but usually, there were more distractions around. For the first time, Zendaya found herself the centre of Beyonce's attention.

"It's nothing." She repeated, trying her best to avoid eye contact.

"Tell me what's wrong." Beyonce insisted in that tone that always made her want to do whatever she says. Zendaya had to admit it was almost working. She shuffled her legs feeling a pang between them and wishing she could leave this airport check in. But, as luck would have it flying private didn't mean you get to skip security.

She stuttered and her mouth went dry.

"Just tell me what's bothering you," she said again as they were finally let through. Daya could feel the heat rise in her cheeks as she fumbled for an excuse.

"... I'm just nervous." she mumbled.
Beyonce frowned, waiting for her to explain what she was nervous about.

"Flying?" Zendaya had tried to sound convincing but Beyoncé could see right through her.

"You fly all the time, dont lie to me" she rolled her big brown eyes in such a way that was almost cute. It was crazy how she could do that, go from being so intense and domineering to being so adorable.

Miss Honey - Lesbian Beyoncé oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now