21. Things You Do To Me

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As your body woke up the next morning you felt the puffiness in your eyes swelling with the ache in your chest, your head felt heavy with exhaustion even though you slept for ten hours. You reached around the bed to check the time on your phone but couldn't find it as you groaned and covered your face with the pillow to block the sunlight from your sensitive eyes.

After giving yourself a few minutes to come to your senses you slowly sat up, almost forgetting that you had stayed at Sasha's. The memories from last night slowly started to flood your mind again, Eren's cruel tone as he practically confessed that he hated you. The way he stormed off and left, destroying everything that you both had built up. You felt the weight of everything sitting on your heart, your body threatening to spill tears but nothing coming out because there were none left.

There were a few footsteps coming towards the door and you quickly rubbed your eyes, trying to look somewhat decent as you saw Sasha's brown ponytail peeking in from the doorway. Her eyes were full of empathy as she looked at you and pushed the door open wider, a big tray full of breakfast foods in her hands.

"Good morning, sunshine!" She beamed and you forced yourself to smile. Eren called you that, too.

"Hey, Sash. Thank you for letting me stay over-" You began to speak when she interrupted you, sitting on the bed with you as she put the tray down.

"Ah, no need to thank me! Niccolo made us breakfast, lets eat before it gets cold!" She said excitedly, shoving a piece of bacon in her mouth.

You weren't even hungry, the anxiety from last night making your stomach churn. Niccolo always made such good food though, and this looked delicious.

"Oh, and here's your phone. You left it in the living room." Sasha said as she handed you your phone. The time on it was 11:36 AM.

You thanked her as you looked at the screen, your stomach sinking when you saw calls and texts form Eren and Zeke. Part of you didn't even want to look at them but your body betrayed you as you swiped them open to read without hesitation.

Eren -

Y/n I;m so fuckin g isorry i fucked aup

You're never goi g to forgive me

Plaeae don't leave me

You furrowed your brows at the spelling. Was he drunk when he sent those? The time stamps were all from 1:18am. He didn't leave a message when he called, either. You read the texts from Zeke next.

Zeke -

Hey its Zeke, I can't find Eren is he with you?

I'm really worried about him something isn't right

There was a lump in your throat as you read the messages from Zeke. They were sent just a few minutes after Eren's. You froze for a moment, debating calling Eren. Sasha sensed your unease as she glanced at the messages you were reading, shaking her head as she handed you a plate of eggs and toast.

"He's okay. I talked to Jean this morning." She said quietly, studying your face as you looked at her.

"What happened?" You asked her with a shakey voice, still unable to shake the feeling of dread that you felt from reading those.

Sasha sighed. "He had like, a breakdown I think? But he's okay, Zeke is with him." She said.

Your eyes widened at the word 'breakdown' and you took a few small sips of the water Sasha brought you. You didn't know how to process all of this.

"I don't think he meant anything he said last night, y/n." Sasha began to explain, looking down at her plate as she took a few more bites and you waited for her to continue.

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