Chapter 3 - Hot chocolate & Group hugs

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Nobody/3rd person pov:

Soft sobs could be heard through the slight creek in the doorway. When looking through you could see Denki curled up into a ball, visibly shaking. Never ending tears slowly streamed down his face. Worried Mina was seated next to him, terrified to touch him just in case she worsened his breakdown. After what seemed like 2 hours Kaminari’s sobs turned into silent tears that ceased to end.

Quietly Mina got up from her seat and disappeared into the kitchen soon to return with 2 cups filled with freshly made hot chocolate, with Denkis favourite cat marshmallows gently sitting on a plate so they didn't go yucky. 

Mina placed the hot chocolate and marshmallows on the coffee table on the right of Denki, while she sat on the couch that was on the left of Denki. Breaking the silence Denki said “I’m sorry, for being an inconvenience.” apologetically looking at Mina, tears still dripping down his face. Reaching over Denki grabbed his cup of hot chocolate and his plate of cat marshmallows and stared sadly into the distance. Mina felt her heart slowly break the last time she saw him like this was when- well that's a story for denki to tell. 

Picking up her own cup Mina sipped, well more like aggressively slurped her hot chocolate, she knew that there was no convincing Denki of anything positive when he gets like this. Discreetly picking up her phone Mina sent a text to the Baku Squad group chat (that excludes Sero he was removed long ago for reasons-) saying ‘Get your asses over here, Denks needs us rn, don't do any stupid shit Bakuhoe.’. Putting her phone down Mina looked back at Denki, he never moved. 

Not to soon after Mina had sent the text, they heard aggressive banging on the door and the muffled voices, mostly Kirishima telling Bakugou to calm down and be a bit quieter and Bakugou saying some smart remark back, Jiro had slowly opened the door and popped her inside and looked around, soon she walked inside with the others walking in behind her, Momo with them as well.

Kirishima and Jiro looked at Mina with a ‘what the heck happened’ kind of look, she gave back a ‘he can tell you’ look and they both just nodded and quietly sat down. Bakugou had his usual ‘i fucking hate everyone and everything look.’ while Kirishima had an apologetic one as if he was saying ‘sorry for him, we interrupted his sleep again.’. 

Upon entering the house Momo went into auto-pilot mother mode. Crouching next to Denki, taking the now warm hot chocolate and marshmallows and placing them on the coffee table. She slowly wrapped her arms around Denki’s waist and pulled him into what she calls ‘a mother’s hug’.

Denki felt the tears swarm in his eyes again threatening to escape through a loud sob. Jirou sat next to her girlfriend, joining in the hug and ruffling Kaminari’s hair, gently and just the way that made his breath come to a calmer pace. Kirishima walked over to the two girls and his depressed best friend huddled in between the couch and coffee table. He too kneeled down near Kaminari, shooting a threatening look at Bakugou, who ‘not-so-willingly’ joined the group hug.

It was later that night, after everyone including Kaminari had gone back to their own apartments after being at Mina’s for a while, he had been crying again, so he decided the best thing to do was go for a walk, to the sunflower field that was near his apartment.

So that is exactly what he is going to do, he got up and put his shoes on and walked out the door walking sort of fast just wanting to get to the field. 

Once he had arrived at the field he admired the flowers for a few seconds then soon he walked down the path, off to the side a bit away from it so he couldn’t be seen, sat down, and cried. Kaminari just cried into his hands, his tears being the only warm thing at that moment, his own small sobs and the slight sound of crickets is all that he could hear.  

He was shivering because of his poor choice of clothing, maybe he should have taken the jumper Kiri offered him before they all left. Lifting his head out of his hands he looked up at the stars, shining amongst the darkness that the night brought.

Reaching into his pocket, Denki grabbed his phone, checking the time. 1:43 presented itself brightly on his lockscreen, also showing a photo of him and Sero in the school’s bakery with flour and brownie mix all over their faces, smiles beaming of pure joy. 

They looked so happy. If only it were the same now. Shutting down his phone, Kaminari let out a sad sigh. Was he really the problem? All he did was make everyone worry over a pathetic miscommunication between him and his lover.

They all had better things to do and it was obvious, but no he had to be a crybaby and fuck up everyones evening. A cold breeze gushed past him, making him shiver. Minutes past of Kaminari sitting in the field and staring at the peaceful night sky. If only life was as calm as the night sky. Checking his phone again, it was now 5:14 the sun slowly appearing behind the sunflowers. When he heard his name being called from a distance.




I love making happy characters sad and depressed ngl- and if you wanna know 143 means ‘i love you’ and 514 means ‘i want to die’ in chinese so like fun fact ab the times- felix

Fbwornkwheiakfbwlwj- I cried- But yeah- We should have the next chapter out soon- Love and hugs -Kami 💛

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