Chapter 2 - Coffee and Emos

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Nobody/3rd person pov:

The soft jingles of the bells rang as more customers entered the cafe. The soft chatters of friends catching up or students studying in the corners of the cafe. The vibey music of the soft lofi music creating this seemingly romantic aurora. Boredom was flooding through Denki as he slouched over the cashier waiting for someone to enter.

After he waited for what felt like a million years. He heard the slightly irritating ring of the bell. Looking up he saw a tall boy enter the cafe, he had eye bags that could be seen from a million miles away.

As the boy got closer to the counter Denki heard a female laugh slightly and felt someone lightly nudge him in his right side, "Kami. Your staring" Denki had looked to his side and saw his purple haired friend who was only just taller than him, "What-? No I wasn't" Jiro looked at Denki and rolled her eyes "You totally were".

The blonde laughed and bumped his friend with his shoulder "I was no-" he was cut off by a male voice coming from just in front of the two. "You guys done? I would like to order my coffee today. Not at christmas." a figure grunted tiredly, sounding quite irritated and sarcastic. Both of the two that were behind the counter looked at the person who was talking, well more looked up.

When they did, they saw the tall boy from earlier now standing in front of them looking sort of annoyed. The boy was significantly taller than them and he had messy purple hair that poked out in all different directions, he also had indigo eyes and he was wearing a pale army green sweater with a bite skeleton rib cage and bones on the arms, blackish grey baggy cargo pants finished with white jogger like shoes, with specs of black on them.

After a bit of time none of them talking, the purple haired male decided to say something "So- One, You must be new because I come to this cafe every day and I haven't seen you once. And two, I would like my coffee." Kaminari looked at the taller male, processing everything that was said then he nodded "Yeah sorry- What would you like? We have caramel lattes, frappuccinos, hazelnut lattes, macchiatos-"

The blonde boy started listing most of the drinks but then was cut off by the other male "Straight black coffee." he said, answering the question and Denki simply just stops talking and smiles "Okay!" is all that Kaminari said as he moved to the side and started making the drink.

In an attempt to make small talk Kaminari looks up at the boy with purple hair "What's your name?" he asks, the taller male answered, "Shinso. Shinso Hitoshi." not really wanting to but he didn't want to seem rude so he answered anyway. "Nice to meet you, I'm Denki Kaminari!" the blonde boy had finished making the drink and handed Shinso his coffee over the counter, "One straight black coffee, is that all?" Shinso took the coffee and nodded and handed Denki some money for the coffee.

"Keep the change" is all Shinso said as he took his coffee and turned around, walking to sit in one of the booths in the far corner away from most people, attempting to be another face amongst the crowd. "Denks your staring," Mina wiggled her eyebrows exposing Denki and his simping for this mysterious emo. "And there's a jealous boyfriend glaring this way broski."

Snapping from his fantasies Kaminari looked over to his pissed off boyfriend. Sheepishly he gave Sero a smile and a wave to attempt to say 'don't worry, i was just drifting' to avoid any more fights with his beloved boyfriend. Turning his attention to the now line up of people Denki did what he did best, and that was talking.

Quickly Denki satisfied the forever long line of rude old bitches and surprisingly he only messed up a few. Finally taking a breather from talking to a bunch of old people, Kaminari glanced over to where he had last seen that unforgettable purple mess of hair, not to mention his height. To Denkis disappointment it seemed that during this swarm of customers he vanished.

Poofed into thin air right under his nose. A pout was shown on Kaminaris face as he wandered when he would see that undeniably good-looking, purple haired, motherfucking skyscraper of a human again.

Who's not gonna lie, smoking hot like god damn- he probably had so many bitches or Denki had shit taste in people who knows. The sunset shone its beauty through the windows of the cafe.

The soft sounds of idfk music playing in the background teleporting the cafe into a scene in a fantasy movie. The oh so familiar jinggle of the cafe doors sang through the now empty (with the exception of denki). Glancing up, Kaminari met the gaze of his boyfriend, making direct eye contact.

Breaking the uncomfortable eye contact Denki raised his eyebrow to Hanta who had his hands occupied but a small brown bag. Forwarding his questioning gaze to Hanta, Denki tilted his head making his eagering confusion more obvious for the oblivious latino stoner look-a-like. Sighing at the stupidity of his boyfriend Denki asks, "Soooo what's in the bag?" Sero was now walking over towards the counter that Kaminari was slouched upon.

Extending his hand he was holding the mystery brown paper bag Sero motioned it for his lover to take. "O-oh errr for me?" Kaminaria gushed at the sudden gift. "U-um thanks- thank you Hanta." Kaminari smiled softly, damn his man really did know how to look after him. Grabbing the brown paper bag Denki opened the top to reveal the heavenly goods that his partner so graciously bought for him, it was a small variety of little pastries and sweets that Denki loved.

"Hey Denks," Sero broke the silence that loomed in the cafe. Snapping out of his lovey dovey admiration for Sero, Kaminari looked up to him a soft smile didn't leave his face. "Yea, what is it?' Kaminari smiled lovingly.

"You still love me right?" Sero suddenly questioned. Taken aback slightly, Denki panicked but quickly replied to him with a worried "Mhm, why?" nervous laughter echoing in the empty cafe. Which quiteded down almost immediately after taking a glance at the seriousness Sero's face was showing.

"Denki, I swear to fucking all might if you dare think of leaving me, you know what'll happen." Sero stared at Denki, not blinking once. Dread shuddered down Denki's spine. "Hanta- I promise I wont I only love you i promise, please believe me." Denki pleaded desperately, but Sero just turned away from his panicking boyfriend and walked away.

'M-mina," the usually bubbly boy sobbed. "c-can you op-open the door please?"


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA cliffhanger broski's <3 im actual proud of this chap ngl- and hopefully my brain will brain and chap 3 will be out sometime- if mine and kami's brain starts braining anyyyygay love y'all<3 -Felix

Yeah- What Felix said- We will hopefully get chapter 3 out in the next few weeks or so- Love and hugs 💛

Sunflowers After Dark || A Shinkami coffee shop + aged up/collage AU ||Where stories live. Discover now