Start from the beginning

right in liam's direction.


as the players took their positions on the field, odette had already made her way onto the sidelines. she didn't know what kind of plan those three had. but she knew that they had one. she watched as stiles and scott did their job, blocking their opponents way to the goal.

each and every one failed. even her twin. then it came to liam. odette took a deep breath. she watched as he successfully made his way past both wolves. he threw the ball, managing to get it in the goal. the crowd cheered for the blond. all but one. "that was luck!" the coyote shouted out.

"oh no, malia. please don't" she whispered to the girl on the bleachers. she knew her friend heard her, just decided to ignore her. "do over!"

"sweetheart, this is tryouts. there are no do overs" coach replied. "10 bucks on scott and stiles" the girl bet. "i'll take that action" coach obliged, blowing his whistle. "hey! get back in there liam!"

"nothing bad better happen to this kid" the girl spoke, hoping the boys were listening. stiles and isaac of course were. but it was a different story for scott. coach blew his whistle and liam ran. the boy had managed to get past stiles, but scott was quick the flip the boy over. everyone let out a groan then went silent as the freshman landed with a grunt. along with a snap.

all the players surrounded the boy. including odette. "DON'T TOUCH HIM" coach ordered, running to his star pupil. "i'm alright" he claimed. the two wolves helped him up to his feet. it wasn't until then where the boy let out a painful scream. "i think it's my leg"

"i think we better take him to the nurse" stiles spoke, walking away with scott as they carried the boy with his arms on either one of their shoulders. the twins followed in quick pursuit, one of their footsteps booming. she was furious. they knew they were in for it now.

⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒

"hi mom" the three teens greeted the woman standing in front of the five teens. a wheelchair was brought out for the boy. before they could help liam, odette stood in front of them. "you two have done enough. melissa and i got it from here." the two boys knew better than to not listen to an angry odette. they knew how she got. so they passed liam off to the two, who then helped him get in the chair.

"don't worry, liam. we'll take good care of you" melissa told him as she wheeled him away. "uhm, i should get going. i told malia i'd help her study" isaac told the three. odette tossed her brother her car keys, giving him a quick hug and let him know she loved him. the boy responded, hesitant to leave the building.

he gently grabbed his twin, moving her to the side. "you know you can tell me anything, right?" the girl furrowed her brows, "of course i know that, 'sac. i just...i have a lot on my mind. and kate didn't help with any of it" the boy looked down at her sister. he'd never say it out loud, but he knew she was milking this whole kate argent thing.

scott and stiles may know her like the back of their hand. but issac knew her inside and out. there was something deeper going on that she didn't want anyone to know. she looked to stiles, giving him a confirming nod. something was up with her. he gave her one more hug, saying a quick 'love you' and making his way out the building.

"what the hell what you two thinking?" she asked, now staring up at the taller boys in front of her. they looked at her in guilt. "he's a kid. so what he's good at lacrosse? that doesn't make him supernatural and that doesn't make him a threat! we're the ones with power to help people, guys. not hurt them because they hurt your ego." the girl didn't let either of them reply as she stormed off into the halls.

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