29. A beat down.

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Stunned and flabbergasted, I stood there, my mind racing to find the words to defend my truth. I had believed with every fiber of my being that Dante would trust me, that he would understand the depth of my anguish.

But in that moment, it became painfully clear that I had been mistaken. He chose to believe the woman who had once separated us, and the pain and hurt crashed over me with a vengeance, as if the wounds had never truly healed.

I fought back tears, a mixture of heartbreak and frustration coursing through my veins, as his words cut through me like a jagged blade.

Gritting my teeth, I managed to find a shard of resolve within me. "Let's go, Mavis," I uttered, my voice filled with a determination to distance myself from Dante and the woman who had become his confidante.

The thought of remaining in the same house, breathing the same air as them, was unbearable. I harbored a deep-seated hatred for them both, and I was prepared to do whatever it took to rescue my babies on my own.

Dante's grip tightened around my hand, and for a moment, a glimmer of hope flickered within me. But as he spoke, his voice tinged with rationality and concern, I pulled my hand away from his grasp, a gesture fueled by a mixture of defiance and wounded pride.

The tears I had fought so hard to hold back threatened to spill over, but I swallowed them down, refusing to show any more vulnerability. "Think rationally, Avelyn," he implored. "Whoever has our twins will easily be able to cause you harm if you go back to that apartment."

With a surge of defiance, I refused to engage in the pretense of caring that Dante attempted to display. "Let's not fucking pretend as if you care about me, Dante," I spat, my voice dripping with resentment. The mere thought of being in the same vicinity as him and his so-called personal assistant filled me with anger.

They were a nauseating sight to behold, and I wanted nothing more than to distance myself from their presence. "I'd rather stay at my run-down apartment than be here with you two. You make me sick," I hissed, my anger boiling over, and I could see a glimpse of emotion in his eyes before he quickly hid it.

They could both go straight to hell for all I cared!

As I stormed into my room, my frustration reaching its peak, I barely had a chance to close the door before Dante swiftly barged in, invading my space. I shot him a withering glare before hurrying to gather my belongings, determined to make my escape.

"Save your breath, Dante," I scoffed, my voice laced with defiance. "Nothing you say or do will stop me from getting out of this hellhole."

Dante grasped my hand, his grip tightened around me, refusing to let me go. I demanded to be released, my voice filled with an equal mix of anger and desperation. I wanted nothing more than to break free from his grasp, to distance myself from the magnetic pull he still held over me.

His familiar scent engulfed me, a bittersweet reminder of the connection we once shared. My body betrayed me, responding involuntarily to his touch, clouding my judgment. It was all wrong. My babies should have been my sole focus, and yet here I was, drawn to Dante against my better judgment.

In an unexpected twist, Dante leaned in and kissed me. For a fleeting moment, his lips against mine brought a sense of calm, momentarily silencing the storm of emotions raging within me.

Lost in the intensity of the kiss, I allowed myself to be consumed by the allure of our past love. But reality crashed back down upon me, the memory of my missing babies and Dante's betrayal resurfacing with a vengeance.

I abruptly pulled away, a surge of anger and disappointment fueling my actions, and slapped him across the face with a resounding smack.

Enough was enough. I couldn't let myself be swayed by his charm any longer. My resolve solidified, and I knew that I had to stay true to my purpose, to find my babies and protect them at all costs. The pain of his betrayal and the longing for what we once had would have to take a backseat.

"I can't believe you would doubt me and choose to believe in her innocence," I expressed, my voice trembling with hurt and disappointment caused by his actions.

Dante's words struck like a knife, further shredding the remains of my shattered heart. "What did you expect, Avelyn? You can't exactly be seen as a credible source," he retorted, his tone laced with skepticism. "You need to focus on our twins and stop fabricating stories out of jealousy towards my personal assistant. Is that why you ran away? Because you thought I had cheated on you with her?"

His accusations cut deep, fueling a surge of anger within me. I forcefully yanked my hand free from his grasp, determined to sever any ties that remained between us. I refused to let Catherine become the stepmother to my children. Dante and Catherine could go to hell for all I cared.

"I don't need your protection, Dante, and I never asked for it. I'm leaving, and you have no right to stop me," I asserted, my voice resolute.

A smug smirk crept across his face as he leaned in, his eyes gleaming with a mix of dominance and possession. "That's where you're wrong," he retorted, his words dripping with a chilling certainty.

"My dear," Dante's voice dripped with possessiveness, his eyes locked on mine with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. "There are guards stationed outside this door, to watch your every move. You're not leaving this place, and you're certainly not leaving me again. You were mine before, and you still are. So, get used to it, wifey."

His hand tightened around my chin, claiming me as his own, as if marking his territory. The sensation of his touch electrified my senses, awakening a torrent of desires within me. His hot breath caressed my cheek, sending a surge of heat coursing through my veins. I couldn't help but be captivated by the raw power he exuded, his possessiveness fueling a primal longing deep within me.

But just as quickly as he had come, Dante withdrew himself from me, leaving the room engulfed in an intoxicating mix of anticipation and frustration.

His departure left me yearning for more, craving his touch, and accepting the undeniable truth that I belonged to him, body and soul. In that moment, I realized that resisting him was futile, for Dante's possessive allure was a force too hard to fight.

I was left alone, grappling with the harsh reality that I was trapped in Dante's clutches, and would have to deal with that bitch Catherine and find a way to get my babies back.


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The Billionaire's Secret Twin Babies.✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz