Chapter 12

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As Ivar awoke from a deep sleep, he felt crusted. Something very heavy was laying on his stomach, breathing... Ivar didn't dare to move a muscle, thinking it's some big ass dog! So he opened his eyes peeking down at himself while laying on his back, and there on his stomach was not a dog but azriel. No wonder the so-called dog was so heavy.

Ivar thought no more of azriel having his upper body on his stomach, so he made to move. Ivar ever so slowly and with all the cauldron skills he learned over the years, he pulled out from under Azriel's sleeping body. As he made to stand, he was very much naked. So he went to take a quick bath, and hoped the noise from the water would wake Azriel up.


After the bath and clean cloth, I walked back into the bedroom finding Azriel sitting up in the bed. Azriel was looking happy, and I just couldn't keep the smile on my lips abay. Azriel smiled back at Ivar, as he made his way through the room, to lean on the wall beside the bed looking Azriel deep in the eyes.

"Had a good night?" Azriel asked, seeming to know I slept very well. "Slept like a baby" Ivar said, smirking at Azriel, and he smirked back, rising from where he had been sitting. Azriel walked over standing right infront of Ivar, when he said. "I have to go to the Illyrian caps today, so I wont be able to say goodbye later" Ivar was shocked that Azriel even thought that saying goodbye was a big deal.

Ivar had been used for familiar people going out to assassinate, sometimes they didn't return from their targets. He and all the assassins never said goodbye, you were always expected to be back. If not, you failed. He never came to think of it as an important thing, a common thing to do. When he went to get things done, he just left without a word.

Ivar was dragged from his thoughts when 2 fingers lifted his head a little. And then he felt Azriel's lips upon his, Azriel's gorgeous soft lips. Gods he didn't want to leave this male, because this male made him feel the want to say goodbye.

"When you return from Owaxus, I want to take things a little further" Azriel said in a hushed voice breaking the kiss, as if someone may overhear us. Whether he meant sex or emotions Ivar didn't know, but he kinda hoped for both. "So do I" Ivar responded.

Azriel leaned away from Ivar and had some sadness in his eyes, "I have to go now, goodbye my love" "bye" Ivar said, surprised by the feeling of being called his love, did to him. unable to say anything else, to the male who probably is going to be his doom. And within seconds Azriel winnowed away.


"So I found a little ring, that we will be able to communicate thought, when you go back to Owaxus" Said Feyre at the dinner table beside me, She meant that instead of creating a line through our mind, we could create it though the ring. which meant if this worked, the line would be strong and we would be able to keep contact better.

"Okay, so how does it work?" I asked rather confused over how i'm going to get my thoughts down in a ring... "Its simple really, Rhys and I found a way where you can control it, so when you hold down on the blue crystal on the ring for 5 second, it will light up our ring." Explained Feyre. "Our ring?" Dont get me wrong but like, when was there a second ring?!

"Me and Rhys have a ring each if one of us is occupied" She answered. "And then you speak down the ring, you can also use it if you enter a meeting about the subject, and we will be able to hear it" After Feyre was done, I nodded in understanding. It was easy and simple: press, 5 seconds, speak.

"How do I stop it?" I asked if I wouldn't want her to overhear the terror in something she wasn't supposed to hear. "You just press it again for 5 seconds" Okay got it. Now to the more pressing matter at hand.

"And Nesta?" I asked as casually I could. I suppose it wasn't something I wanted to hear since Feyre tried to hide the guilt that showed. "It's okay" I said, sparing her the very awkward subject. I just wanted to see Nesta before I went away again. I could see on Feyre that she understood me.


Having to say goodbye to Feyre and Rhys went better than expected. Rhys offered a place with them when my debt had been paid and all this with Koschei was over. Ivar really hadn't expected that of the high lord, maybe from his sister but not from him, so he was thankful.

Nesta hasn't shown when he went away. And wasn't stupid to stay behind to see if she would change her mind, so he just took off.

Ivar was flying high over the court of nightmare, in his black Hawk form, he wanted to get back to the autumn court as fast as possible. And he prayed to the forgotten gods that he would find Ajax and Blaze waiting. They wouldn't come for him, he could handle himself, and they know that. It's not like they don't care, it's just too big a risk to go after one and another, if they did, Zene would probably make them pay more in their debt.

This was life, this was how you survive, how he learned to survive. And Ivar hoped he could put that behind him, and live a life feeling safe in Velaris. Maybe Blaze and Ajax could come too! Then his family would be complete.

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