Chapter 11

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Gets a little hot in here, skip if you're not comfortable with it. #smutwaning

Nesta in fact did not come, but Ivar hadn't expected her to, but it still was like a punch to the stomach. The dinner had been nice. Feyre had talked about how i could contact them, being all the way over in Owaxus. They explained it as a mindlink, something about no matter where you were, you would be able to mind talk to the other side. But the mindlink is only strong close to whoever is on the other side, and weak in longer distance. So I would need to make sure that they heard me before continuing anything.

I was currently in the middle of a bath after a little spar with azriel. It was the worst and greatest spar in my life! For one Azriel didn't for once have a shirt on, and I kinda hate to admit it but, it was hot, so did my body think. It clearly wasn't enough for Az to be shirtless, but also to hide the damn thing it did to me! I really hope that it went unnoticed, but yet again he is the damn spymaster. 

After my and Azriel's incident, it both became more awkward and nice to be around him. I felt this sort of comfort whenever I was near him. And so did my body for sure! 

I just got all the soap out of my hair, when a knock could be heard on the bedroom door. so I hurried, stepping out of the water, grabbed a towel around my lower half and little of my torso, and went to the door. Just as I was about to open the door, it was pulled open from the other side. 

On the other side did not stand Feyre nor Rhys. but the angel himself! 

Azriel stood by the door and made no move to get in or say anything. No his eyes just moved across my bare chest, and down to the towel around me. "Azriel, something wrong?" I asked him as casually as I could, standing basically naked in front of him. 

"actually I am here to apologize to you, for what I did to you." Az said finally finding my eyes. If he was talking about that time in the library, he had no reason to apologize, since I kinda liked it and did nothing to stop him from continuing. But I had to make sure about what he was talking about, so before I could rethink my decision, my mouth ripped to words out of me. 

"And what exactly did you do to me?" I said while tilting my head a little to the side. It was apparently to wrong thing to say, since his lips turned up in the corners to a smirk. Faster than I could react, he had slapped to door to my room close and was right in front of me." I mean to apologize for this" He said placing his hand over my erection, and smiled showing all his teeth. 

A by the mother did my body react to it, I could already feel myself getting hard again. of course he had seen it, my face heated up from the sheer embarrassments from it. I tried to take a step back when his other hand came to rest on the smaller of my back, pulling me to him. 

He bent down to my ear, and whispered "Let me apologize for the way your body react to mine" sending a shiver down my spine. I tried to take a step back again before he could feel the exact same thing he is doing to me now, but instead of ending out of his reach, I took a step back into the bedside. stopping myself from falling on it. 

Well until Az decided that falling on the bed was exactly where I needed to be, pushing my back to the bed, left hanging over the edge. "Azriel, I appreciate it but no need to apologize" I tried to sound convincing but I couldn't hide the tremor in my voice. I didn't really want him to leave, but some stupid part of my brain said that this was a bad idea. 

"Then let me at least help you" he said clearly not getting the hint. leaning all the way over my body a hand on my chest the other on my erection. His nose was almost touching mine, and his eyes stared into my clearly wide eyes. Just as I was to open my mouth to protest, for a reason I can not find, he smashed his lips onto mine. 

Kissing back after I got over the shock of the sudden attack, and enjoying the filling of him being this close. Azriel brought out his tongue and licked my lower lip asking for entrance, in which I granted him. Opening my mouth for him, and was under another attack of a brutally tongue fight. Our tongues battle for dominance which in fact he won, getting to explore my mouth, almost eating me out. 

I could feel his hands move over my chest and erection, making me moan in the slight friction I was granted. I could feel Az smirking against my mouth, and brought his lips from mine. We were both a panting mess, and luckily I was not the only one smelling like arousal and lust. 

"Sure you do not wish for my apology?" He asked me, Of course I wanted him to continue, so I grabbed his shirt, and gave him my hardest stare I could muster right now. "Well you sure as hell don't leave me like this" He smiled hearing my words, grabbed my hand that still was fisted in his shirt, and pulled it away to the side of my head. "I wouldn't dream of it" he said right before he pulled the towel away from my power half. 

I gasped feeling exposed to him like this, my very hard erection on full display. Azriel took no shame and looked over my body, while biting his lower lip. "We do have unfinished business, don't we?" he asked me, I looked him deep in the eyes trying to get hang on the reality, before words would spill out. God's I would be doing better under torture. 

Azriel didn't give me time to thing as he grabbed my erection and stroked it once. Making me moan his name out instead! And I could clearly tell it pleased him, as he hummed in acceptance. He leaned back down to claim my lips, as his hand began to stroke my, fast. This time Azriel didn't have to ask for permission, since my mouth is open from the moan escaping me. 

Feeling his warm rough scarred hand around me, was so much better than in the library. As his mouth was on mine muffling my moans, I could feel the pressure in my stomach beginning to rise. "AZ!" I warned him, leaning my head back and groaning. 

Our lips now departed, my moans filled the air around us. Feeling his other hand that had been on my chest started to move down my body. 

"Arghh" I groaned when I felt warm heat surrounding my erection, I looked down to see Azriel with his mouth full of me, and looking straight into my eyes. He moved his head back up, and fast down bopping his head. "Fuck~" 

I couldn't take it anymore, trying to grab Azriel's hair to pull him of me, was no succes. "Az. I can't!" I half moan out. He all but smiled at, made his tongue do wonder on my scarf, making me moan out loud as I came. 

Spilling all of it into Azriel and swallowed it all! I put my head back against the bed, sounding and probably looking Like a mess. Azriel came into my view as he had bent down over me, "Next time you will first come with me inside of you" Azriel said looking very pleased by my condition, and I had to fight to not become hard again. "That's a date" as my lustful brain was in charge, and words was no longer mine. I would surely regret this. 

He smiled down at be giving a little kiss on my cheek, as he said "You are very beautiful" Looking me dead in the eyes, before giving a more nervous look. "Let me help you get some sleep" He said smiling a little. "okay, thank you

Azriel pulled me onto the middle of the bed and put himself behind me, spooning me. I felt his warmth surround me and felt myself relax against him, not long after what felt like 2 minutes I closed my eyes too comfortably to keep awake. I let the sleep claim me, just as I let my heart accept the feelings toward this beautiful male.

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