Chapter 2 - Battle Practice

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The battle started. Quincy led with Quick Attack on Kirby, running to and from him in a flash. Ziggy then hit Quincy with Scratch, and Kirby used Tackle on Ziggy. The three Pokémon were so distracted fighting each other that they didn't notice Rory preparing an attack. Rory was kicking up dirt with his paws, and as soon as he felt like he had kicked up enough, he attacked all three of them with Sand Attack. Kirby missed with Water Gun, Ziggy missed with Scratch, but Quincy managed to hit Rory with Leafage. Rory stumbled back, hurt, but then a grin came over his face. Quincy, Kirby, and Ziggy watched as Rory began to shift from side-to-side. Then, Rory began multiplying, and the others became surrounded by many copies of him. Rory had used Double Team!

"Heh. Good luck attacking me now!"

Quincy and Kirby continued to try to attack Rory. Kirby managed to find the real Rory and hit him with Water Gun once, but besides that their attacks kept hitting copies as Rory wore them down with Tackle. Ziggy, though, was scheming. He watched and watched as Quincy, Kirby, and the Rorys were fighting each other. He waited for the perfect moment... and then... Ziggy inhaled very deeply. He then exhaled very hard, and out came an attack, Smog! Quincy, Kirby, and the Rorys were covered in a thick smog. Quincy and the Rorys became poisoned, but Kirby was able to roll out of the way in time. Kirby used Aqua Ring to protect himself and then started heading towards Ziggy. Before Kirby came too close to Ziggy, Ziggy used Poison Gas in front of him. Kirby had to change his plan of attack, but thankfully, that wasn't too difficult for him. Kirby went behind Ziggy and used Growl at him, so his Scratches didn't seem to faze Kirby very much. The two kept battling in close quarters.

Meanwhile, Quincy and the Rorys continuously took damage as they fought. Rory had used Leer earlier, so Quincy was taking more damage than normal. Quincy kept hitting copies with his Leafage, while Rory kept hitting him with Tackle. Just as it looked like Quincy couldn't win against Rory, Quincy's Overgrow activated; he hit his Leafage, and began to look powered up. Then, Quincy hit Rory again, but this time it wasn't with Leafage. Some of Rory's life looked like it was sucked out into green particles. These particles went into Quincy, and he looked a little rejuvenated. Rory's copies disappeared, and Rory looked very tired. Quincy looked down at him.

"I'm not finished just yet Rory."

Quincy forgot Leafage and learned... MEGA DRAIN!!!

Rory tried his hardest to fight Quincy some more. Quincy hit him with Mega Drain again, and Rory responded with Tackle. But then, Rory looked powered up and then picked up a small rock in his paw. He then smirked and threw it at Quincy. Quincy's next Mega Drains missed as Rory kept pelting him with small rocks. Quincy fell to the ground and looked up at Rory with a worried look on his face. Rory stood over him and used Sand Attack.

"Good thing I'm not finished yet either Quincy."

Rory forgot Tackle and learned... ROCK THROW!!!

Quincy tried to use Tackle, but missed. One more Rock Throw from Rory, and Quincy fainted. Rory had a look of triumph on his face, but he was still taking damage from Poison. However, Rory's luck was on his side. He found a Pecha and an Oran Berry. Rory quickly ate them and went towards Kirby and Ziggy.

Ziggy wasn't holding up very well. Kirby's Water Guns weren't the biggest problem for Ziggy. The problem was his Scratch doing less damage and Kirby healing from Aqua Ring. Ziggy didn't look like he had much of a chance of winning, until Rory came up behind Kirby and hit him with Rock Throw. Kirby retaliated with Water Gun, but he missed and fell over. Ziggy saw his opportunity to sneak away. He snuck back to camp and pulled out a Technical Machine from his backpack. Ziggy spun the TM around his claw. A hologram rose from the TM, showing a Lilligant using a move Ziggy hadn't learned yet. Energy started to flow from the TM into Ziggy.

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