"matt" patty says he turns around and catches the ball "letsss gooo! best for last!" he says. 


after exploring with Patti. talking to someone named bobby and going to both Elisa lambs rooms. it had been 2 hours at that point that we had been separated from the other group so we headed back. 

we talked about what happened and then we all stood around a table with a device in the middle. 

we heard a lot of stuff like names. 


we were stood around the front desk filming the outro and elton was telling us he had a special surprise for us at the end of the night which meaning it wasnt good. 

we still had 4 hours till we had to leave. 

linda was heading out when matt popped up behind the desk shirtless "put some clothes on" Zachariah said before they left. 

"im going to be honest im not down for whatever y'all are about to do so if its ok im going to leave" Ella says she looks at me "ill come with you" I say. 

"are you guys sure?" elton ask. "yea were sure. well call a uber and go to the hotel" I say. "alright you have your bags right?" he ask we had put our bags behind the front desk earlier. i grabbed Ella bag and my bag aswell. 

Ella ordered a über. "just Text us the room number when you get there" elton says. 

Matt comes over and wraps his arms around me hugging me. "please be careful. let me know when you get there please" he says, "I will" 

he looks down at me and gives me a quick peck on the lips.. "you ready?" Ella asked after saying goodbye to Corbin. 

I kissed matts cheek quickly. we wave bye to everyone as we walked out and hoped in the uber. 

"you could've stayed but I dont wanna be apart of whatever shit there going to do" Ella says "no im glad you said something I did not want to stay" I say as the driver headed to the hotel which was a good 10 minutes away. 

we got out and went to the front desk and checked in "its kinda sad that matt didnt pop up behind the desk" Ella laughs as we get in the elevator and head up to the 4th floor. "im glad we have two bed because theres no way I could stay in here by myself not after tonight"I say opening up our room. 

we lock the door behind us. I lay my things down on the bed and Ella turns the tv on. "im going to shower"I say before going into the bathroom. I get in and enjoy my shower before getting out and drying off. I put a t-shirt and shorts on. 

I walk out of the bathroom and see Ella watching a movie "I dont think I can sleep right now im hungry but its like 3 in the morning so I dont think anything is open" I tell her "im hungry too" she says I lift my shirt up. "look my baby looks like ive just eaten a really big burrito instead of there being a baby in there" "your stupid" we laugh. I wasnt very big but there a little bump not noticeable. 

she lifts her shirt up. "I think im just bloated anyways" she pokes her stomach out. I brushed my hair and layed down in the other bed. "I would love to be in the middle of the woods right now in a cabin just enjoying it. being in the middle of nowhere away from everything" I say Ella sighs "that does sound really nice" she says picking her phone up and typing "what are you doing?" "nothing" she laughs. "oh shit I forgot to text matt and tell him we made it" I say picking up my phone and texting him 

y- hey sorry I forgot to text you I took a shower instead but we made it

m-your okay Ella texted me 

I then looked for places still open to eat since I was starving 

"you want like pizza or something?" I ask Ella "oo yea extra cheese" "and lava cakes" we say at the same time and laugh. 

I put our order in and we lay there and watch a movie while we wait. 

soon there was a knock on the door. I got up and walked to the door peeking thorough to see a delivery man. I open it, grab our things and immediately shut the door locking it back. I crawl in bed with Ella and we dig in to our pizza.


it was like 6 in the morning now and Ella and I were still awake. we couldnt sleep. I was laying in my bed and she was laying in hers. our stomachs now full. "Ella?" "mhm?" "im scared to be a mom" "shut up and go to sleep" she says. I hear her moving. 

there was silence then she spoke again "me too" she says "we will figure it out together" she says again. then there was a knock on the door. 

"ill get it" Ella says. I see her figure in the dark move to the door. she opens it I see someone walk in and the she hugs the other one so I assume corbin. 

"hey where our bag?" matt ask "right there on that table"I say. 

I sit up and turn the lamp light on. he looks tired. he grabs his things and walks to the bathroom. 

corbin comes in and Ella shuts the door and locks it "how was it?" I ask "um elton opened the dybbuk box." Corbin says. 

there was another knock on the door. 

I get up and go see and open it. it was Anna "oh hey I didnt know you was in here I came to see matt he told me to come see him" she smirks at me "huh?" I look at her confused "yea before we left earlier he said I should meet him in his room" she says trying to look over my shoulder. 

I felt someone behind me. an arm goes around my waist 

"go on somewhere with the bullshit I never said that you knew y/n was in here your just trying to start shit just fuck off" matt says and shuts the door. I walk over to the bed and see corbin and Ella already laying there matt locks the door and comes and joins me In bed "you know he never said that right?" Corbin ask. I nod 

I turn the light out and cover us. matt pulls me close to him "why weren't you already asleep love?" he whispers. "couldnt sleep" i say. he cups my face with his hand and brings my face close to his and presses his lips against mine I kiss back our lips moves in sync. he pulls away "goodnight" he whispers and kisses my head as I rest my head im his chest finally falling asleep...


ON another unrelated note I wanna go somewhere else haunted and explore I already went to the Ohio state reformatory. im dieing to go somewhere else. 

but here you go dears 2 chapters in 1 days. look at me go!!!

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