I. Like A Rabid Dog

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One.     Like A Rabid Dog.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆜 𓆞 𓆡

Alls she could see was his face. The blue of the walls had melted into a bleak grey, the woven dream catchers above him had faded into the woodwork. Alls that was there, was him. The rise and fall of his chest. The purple cut on the highest point of his cheek. The softness of his features which he didn't usually possess. He was a ticking time bomb, though, and she kept that fact etched into her memory.

She didn't know what it was that took over her, but something did. She looked at him then the way she did when they first met. They knew each other in their bones. A part of him would always be in her. She was leaving now, though.

     As she left their bedroom, his breathing growing deeper, she realised she didn't know what she was without him. What are her hands, if they are just hands, and unable to hold his? She remembered all the time he threw her skin away, though, as if she wasn't the thing he loved most at one point.

     "Mommy." June groaned, her arms wrapping around Montana's neck, "I'm sleepy, Mommy." She told her, nuzzling her face into the brown curls.

     "Sh, sh, let's go, Junie." The brunette held onto her daughter tightly, like she could slip away at any moment. As she walked down the hallway of the trailer, Montana stepped on broken shards of glass with a wince, "It's okay, baby. Daddy was just being silly."

She walked down the steps of the home slowly, careful not to wake the boy inside. She had learned the art of staying dead for him, so a part of her longed to scream and cry I'm leaving! I'm finally leaving! However, the girl who now sat in the back seat of her SUV, waved bye to the house as she drove past, and to her Daddy.

June played with the raggedy teddy bear Pope Heyward had bought her for her first birthday with a smile. He had wrapped it with a white ribbon that had a note along the inside of it. Montana didn't realise until JJ was taking the trash out the next morning. She had tried to dig the ribbon out but the blonde grabbed her by the shoulders and told her that it didn't matter. A part of her wanted to go to Pope's home right then and there and apologise.

     "Daddy!" Junes yelling drew Montana out of her thoughts.

     "Hey, baby." JJ gave his daughter a light wave before slamming his hand against the car window, "Montana! What are you doing?" He shouted, thr anger inside of him bubbling.

     Montana did nothing but drive, her headlights flashing against a shirtless JJ who ran his hands over his face in a hurry. He began chasing after the car, banging on the hood.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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