After several minutes of careful navigation and exploration, they finally arrived at the innermost chamber of the temple. In the center stood a pedestal adorned with a suspended coin, radiating an ethereal glow.

"I thought this round was going to be difficult, it is by far the easiest," Sage heaved a sigh of relief, "Just a creepy temple and a creepy forest. I'll take the lead and retrieve the coin for our team."

However, Sage's confidence was misplaced, as her movement triggered a concealed mechanism that swiftly separated her from the rest of the group.

Ciara and Sage tumbled into the chamber, their bickering echoing in the enclosed space. "Good job, Sage," Ciara sarcastically remarked, her annoyance evident.

Sage retorted, "At least I took action while you all just stood there gawking at the coin. I did something for the team."

Unbeknownst to them, a voice resonated within the chamber, attempting to interrupt their argument. "Ahem," it called out, yet it went unheard amidst their quarrel.

"Dividing and probably trapping the team, is what you call did something," Ciara snapped.

"Enough, Ci-a-ra. I've had it with your condescension," Sage snapped back.

"Condescension? My condescension? Keep your cool, Ciara. Do not commit murder, Ciara. But if I do, Ill just blame the temple. I mean it has been done before," Ciara muttered under her breath, the frustration building up.

"Ahem!" The voice boomed, finally startling both of them into silence.

With their attention finally captured, the voice introduced itself, and the head of a man in his thirties materialized before them. "Greetings," the head spoke, "I am Asmorphius. You have awakened me from my slumber. And now, you must engage in a game with me."

"What do you mean? And What have you done with my friends, and Buttercup?" Ciara demanded, her voice laced with determination and concern.

"Worry about yourselves, Asmorphius laughed, In this realm of riddles and puzzles, I am the grandmaster, ready to test your intellect and unravel your every move."

Hissing sounds filled the air as snakes slithered out of the holes in the stone walls, their beady eyes fixated on the two intruders. In the center of the chamber, an intricately carved female statue stood, its presence both alluring and mysterious.

Asmorphius' voice echoed through the chamber, taunting them, "Welcome to 'The Serpent's Embrace,' a challenge designed to test your courage and teamwork, good luck with that. Can you escape the clutches of these venomous creatures?"

"As a gesture of fairness, I am supposed to tell you these. I have others to torment, so toodles." Asmorphius declared before vanishing into thin air.

Somewhere in the temple, Prudy and Buttercup found themselves trapped in the same chamber, with Prudy sitting atop Buttercup. It was obvious that, like Ciara and Sage, they too had engaged in an argument that concluded with Prudy sitting on Buttercup.

"Blonde tormenting blonde. Is there some peculiar trend in the outside world where individuals with matching hair colors engage in attempts to eliminate each other? I must admit, I am genuinely intrigued," remarked Asmorphius.

"By Theores hammer, a floating head," exclaimed Prudy. Buttercup chimed in, "Get off of me." Reluctantly, Prudy complied and rose to her feet, still stunned by the sight of the floating head. Together, they stood before Asmorphius.

"I am Asmorphius, the riddling wizard,

Challenging minds, both sharp and blizzard.

To escape this realm, heed my decree,

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