"Alright what did you four little hellions do to her?" Alastor asked.

"Nothing Daddy." Carrie said.

"She just fell down." Louis said.

"But she's getting better." Aaron said.

"Better how?" Alastor asked.

"She's not going buh-buh-buh anymore."

"Buh-buh-buh-buh." Charlie blubbered incoherently

"Oh, spoke too soon."

"Charlie?" Alastor said waving a hand in front of her face. "Charlie? Honey? Are you alright? Say something."


"Oh dear." Alastor said.

He scooped up Charlie and carried her outside where he dumped her into a barrel of water. The cold, icy, liquid was freezing enough to shock her out of her dazed state. She shot right back up, coughing and gasping.

"Feeling better?" Alastor asked her.

"I don't belong here." She cried. "I feel it, I know it. I'm not meant to live in this dirty place or  do any of these vile things. My life is like death, my children are the spawn of hell, and you're the devil."

"Now darling I think you're being a little melodramatic."

"I am not! I mean, have you ever met your children? They're animals!"

"You only say that now because you still don't remember them. Give it time and once a routine sets in, they won't be so bad."

"I'm not so sure about that." She said. "Part of me still has doubts about just how legitimate our marriage is."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'd like to see some memorabilia of our wedding. Like maybe some photos, tapes, or a marriage license. We have one of those, don't we?"

"Of course we do."

"May I see it please?"

"We don't keep it in the house. I keep it in a lock box at the bank, along with other important documents like birth certificates and high school diplomas."

"Then can you go to the bank tomorrow and bring it to me?"

"Yes but not tomorrow. Right now the bank is closed for renovations. But I'll get it soon."

"It better be soon because if I don't see some undeniable evidence that we're married, then I am out of here. Understand?"

"I understand."

Charlie then went back inside to dry herself off and change her clothes.

"Amnesic but by no means stupid." Alastor thought. "Her intelligence shines even through a mental block. I'd find that skill quite alluring if it wasn't attached to such a vile personality."

Now of course there was no marriage license to prove that Alastor and Charlie's "marriage" was legitimate. But lucky for Alastor, Angel had picked up an incredible skill for forgery from his crime lord father. Forged doctors notes, fake I.D'S, doctored photos, forged signatures on permission slips and report cards, and of course forged marriage licenses.

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