Ciara's cheeks flushed with surprise, and she quickly corrected the assumption. "No, no, you are mistaken," she clarified, glancing at Arc standing beside her. "Arc, tell her."

Arc, wearing a playful smirk, stepped forward and handed the stall woman the coins. "Keep the change," he said with a generous tone, his eyes meeting the stall woman's appreciative gaze.

As they made their way back, Ciara couldn't help but address the lingering question in her mind. "Why didn't you correct that pie lady?" she asked Arc, her tone curious.

Arc glanced at her with a playful glint in his eyes. "I didn't see a need to," he responded, his voice with a hint of mischief. "In fact, I took it as a compliment."

Ciara raised an eyebrow, a mix of confusion and amusement on her face. "A compliment? But we're not a couple," she pointed out, her words laced with gentle teasing.

Arc chuckled, his stride matching hers as they walked side by side. "True," he admitted, a warm smile playing on his lips. "But sometimes it's fun to let the world imagine what it wants. Keeps things interesting, don't you think?"

Ciara couldn't help but smile in response, a newfound appreciation for Arc's carefree spirit washing over her. Perhaps there was more to their playful banter than she initially thought.

They made their way back to the familiar benches where Ciara had left the Ickies and Morgana. As they approached, Prudy emerged with the drinks in hand, a smile on her face. To their surprise, Warwick and Fizz were also present, having struck up a conversation with Prudy in their absence.

The Ickies wasted no time in playfully nagging Ciara for taking so long, their voices filled with exaggerated impatience. Laughter echoed through the air as the group shared stories and exchanged jests, savoring the camaraderie of the moment.

As the day wore on and the sun began its descent, they collectively decided to call it a day. The princes bid their farewells and made their way back to the castle, while Ciara, Prudy, Morgana, and the Ickies strolled back towards the comforting embrace of the Hamptons' home.

Under the cover of darkness, they reached the welcoming embrace of the Hamptons' humble cottage. Morgana sank onto the worn, one-armed settle, "People are exhausting, this is why I don't go out."

Prudy, filled with excitement, gathered everyone in the cozy living room of the cottage. A soft glow emanated from the flickering hearth, casting dancing shadows across the room.

As if on cue, Mordecai entered the room, his presence catching Prudy's attention. "Ah, Mordecai, you've arrived just in time," she exclaimed. Perplexed, Mordecai queried, "In time for what?"

"Just sit down, Mordecai. Let her do what she wants." Gaius said to him.

With a mixture of curiosity and trust, Mordecai found his place among the others, surrendering to the whims of the moment as Prudy took center stage.

"Us first!" exclaimed the Ickies, their voices brimming with excitement, interrupting Prudy before she could utter a word.

Prudy relinquished the spotlight, allowing Dicky to present Gaius with a vibrant red robe and a finely crafted pair of shoes. Meanwhile, Micky approached Mordecai with a box, urging him to unveil its contents.

"Wow! A limited edition ensemble, complete with a matching scarf and shoes. Truly remarkable," exclaimed Mordecai, visibly impressed by the thoughtful gift. "We saw a portrait of it in your magi-slate, and it's all thanks to Morgana that we could afford it," Micky said, casting an innocent smile in Morgana's direction.

Prudy extended a purple kirtle to Hunith with a kind smile. "For you, Hunith," she said, presenting the dress. Hunith's eyes lit up with delight as she took hold of it. "Oh, it's absolutely lovely! I adore it. Thank you so much, girls," she expressed gratefully.

Prudy handed Morgana a black box with a cheeky grin. "Morgana, here's yours," she said, emphasizing the "Goth section." Morgana opened the box to find a shirt and a pair of trousers neatly folded inside. As she read the words on the shirt out loud, "I put the sass in sassy," her amusement was noticeably absent.

Mordecai couldn't contain his laughter. "There's even a portrait of you on the back," he chuckled, thoroughly entertained. The group joined in laughter, amused by the sight of the picture on the shirt. Morgana, however, responded with a flat tone, "Thank you ever so much. This truly surpasses any gift I've received in my twenty years of living." She added a touch of sarcasm, "You certainly know my taste even better than I do, Prudence."

"Your kind words are greatly appreciated, Morgana," Prudy responded. She then presented Ciara with a neatly wrapped gift. "Happy early birthday, Ciara."

Ciara's eyes widened with surprise and gratitude. "Oh, thank you so much for remembering. I almost forgot my ow-" she began, overcome with emotion. With eager anticipation, she carefully unwrapped the gift, revealing the very same pink dress she had expressed her disinterest in at the boutique. "What is this?"

"It's the dress I promised to buy for you," Prudy playfully exclaimed. Dicky chimed in with a judgmental tone, saying, "Sheesh, Ciara, show some gratitude."

"Thank you for the early birthday gift, Prudence. I value your gift. I value your gift so much, that I will only wear it after I get married," Her remark carried a dry, ironic tone.

"At least you'll wear it," Prudy responded, considering it a small victory to see Ciara donning a dress, even if in the distant future.

"I brought warm apple pies and apple ciders for those who couldn't join us at the fair," Ciara announced, handing the delicious treats to Hunith.

Morgana's eyes lit up at the mention of warm apple pie, her favorite dessert. Hunith generously served slices to everyone, ensuring the ciders were plentiful as well.

"Are you going to finish that?" Morgana inquired, casting an envious glance at Mordecai's slice. "Keep your eyes, off my pie, little sister," he retorted. Morgana responded with a dismissive roll of her eyes, sneakily eyeing Mordecai's portion.

"What did I just say?" Mordecai warned, catching Morgana's sidelong glances. She playfully stuck out her tongue in response.

With their appetites satisfied, they bid each other goodnight and retired to their beds, eager to rest and rejuvenate for the fourth round awaiting them on the morrow.

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