Burdened by the towering pile of purchases, her vision obstructed, she inadvertently collided with a passerby, causing her to stumble and tumble to the ground. Fortunately, the food she carried remained unharmed, sparing her from any additional mishaps.

With haste, she offered her sincere apologies and turned her attention to the person she had unintentionally collided with. To her dismay, it was none other than Princess Sage, who wore a visibly irritated expression upon realizing who had caused her stumble. Coming to her aid, Buttercup extended a helping hand to lift her up from the ground.

"Pay better heed to your surroundings, you lowly peasant. Look at what you've done to my gown," Sage disdainfully pushed her hair aside, her displeasure evident. "Guards, apprehend her!"

Ciara stood her ground, refusing to let the two guards lay a hand on her. Drawing upon her honed combat skills, she expertly engaged in a fierce altercation, swiftly countering their advances. With agility and precision, she deftly maneuvered through their attacks, turning their own momentum against them.

In a swift display of strength, Ciara effortlessly executed a flawless flip, sending both guards sprawling onto their backs. As they lay there, disoriented and defeated, she calmly brushed the dust off her blouse, her eyes fixed unwaveringly on Princess Sage.

Sage let out an exasperated sigh, clearly unimpressed with the guards incompetence. "You two are utterly useless," she muttered in disdain. Turning her back on them, she called for her loyal companion, Buttercup, to accompany her departure.

As she made her way out, Sage couldn't resist a final act of petty spite. With a deliberate and vindictive step, she crushed one of Ciara's desserts under her heel, smearing it into the ground. The act served as a parting gesture of disdain, a clear message of her disdain.

Leaving behind a trail of ruined sweetness, Sage strode away, confident in her ability to inflict small but noticeable slights upon those she deemed beneath her.

"Out of all things to step on, it had to be my warm apple pie," she muttered, a tinge of frustration in her voice.

A familiar face approached, extending a helping hand to lift Ciara's desserts from the dirt-covered ground. It was Arc, a warm smile spread across his face as he reached out to assist Ciara.

"I saw everything," Arc said, his admiration evident in his voice. "You were truly remarkable. I must apologize on behalf of Sage for her disgraceful behavior."

Ciara's cheeks blushed slightly as she spoke, her voice tinged with bashfulness. "Thank you. Are you here alone or...?" Her words trailed off, uncertain yet hopeful.

Arc's smile widened, his eyes sparkling with warmth. "No, I'm here with Fizz and Warwick," he replied. "Actually, I was on my way to the warm apple pie stall. Would you like to join me?"

Ciara's bashfulness melted away, replaced by a hint of excitement. The invitation felt like a small but significant gesture, a chance to share a moment with Arc amidst the bustling fair. Her lips curved into a smile as she nodded in agreement. "Sure, why not?" she replied.

At the warm apple pie stall, Ciara approached the elderly stall woman with a polite smile. "One large slice and a whole pie to go, please," she placed and order.

The stall woman nodded, her weathered hands swiftly preparing the order. "Alright, here you go," she said, placing the pies in front of Ciara. "That'd be fifty-five gold coins."

As Ciara reached into her purse to pay, the stall womans smile widened, revealing a charming gap between her teeth. "I added a little extra for you and your handsome beau," she remarked with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

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