Curious, Ciara inquired, "What was special about his orchard?"

Arc responded, "If you sing to it, the trees will bear fruits instantly."

Contemplating the possibility, Ciara suggested, "What if this is it?"

Arc proposed, "Let's ask the trees."

Ciara hesitated, "Trees don't speak," she stated.

Arc countered, "Maybe not, but these are probably magic trees."

Realizing Arc's point, Ciara decided to give it a try. Addressing the trees, she spoke, "Show me a sign that you understand me."

To her surprise, the branches and leaves of the trees began to shake and form words. Arc read aloud the words formed by the trees, "Rydyn ni'n deall chi, emrysa."

Ciara explained, "It's Welsh. It translates to 'we understand you, immortal one'." Arc stared at her, clearly surprised. She further explained, "Ricky and I learn old languages together. You would be more surprised when you find out the languages I can speak."

Intrigued, Ciara continued in Welsh, "A allwch chi ddarparu ffrwythau i'm ffrindiau a minnau os gwelwch yn dda?" She asked the trees for fruits. Words began to form again, "I gael ein ffrwythau, rhaid i chi ganu."

Ciara shared with Arc, "The trees want me to sing."

Arc politely asked, "Great Rockfell Rovwick's ghost, we found Azaar's orchard. Do you mind if I ask you to sing to the trees?"

Ciara felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness. Singing in front of Prudy or the Ickies was one thing, but singing with someone else was a different experience. Gathering her courage, she took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and began to sing. Arc was captivated by her voice and lost track of time, only snapping back to reality when Ciara called his name.

"Arc! Was my singing that bad?" Ciara snapped him back.

He reassured her, "No, you sang wonderfully. And I think the trees agree with me." His face beamed with delight.

The barren trees soon transformed, bearing an abundance of fresh fruits. Arc plucked the fruits, appreciating the beauty of the song Ciara had shared.

Curious, Arc asked, "The song you sang was beautiful. Did your mother sing it to you?"

Ciara replied, "No, my mother could not sing to save her life. It's a song my favorite band," She then showed Arc her magi-slate lock screen, revealing a portrait of the band, "Be the Song" or BTS for short. Pointing at the image, she enthusiastically explained, "I love them all, but this is my personal favorite, Cody." She proudly displayed her wallpaper.

Arc had never seen Ciara talk that passionately about anything. He was a bit jealous of the guy with long black hair flashing a gummy smile on her magi-slate.

Ciara, sensing his reaction, asked, "What? Do you have a problem with them?" Her face bore a serious expression, expecting criticism as she had experienced in her hometown. Arc quickly deflected the topic, saying, "No. We should get back to the others,"

Mordecai, concerned about Ciara's foot, asked, "How is your foot?"

Ciara replied, "Not bad, but not good."

Mordecai offered to take a look, and she removed her shoe, revealing her swollen ankle. After examining her foot, Mordecai determined it was dislocated and informed her, "I just need to set your foot right."

Morgana handed Ciara an apple, "Here, bite or chew on this."

Ciara followed Morgana's instruction, and as Mordecai worked on adjusting her foot, she groaned in pain and bit through the apple. Morgana then applied an ordinary balm to aid the healing process and advised Ciara, "Just don't move it too much."

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