chapter sixteen - a cave

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Kane gasps as Octavia falls to the ground. Lincoln manages to catch her. I notice him throw something to the side. Octavia sits unconscious in his arms. He did this. 

"Lincoln..." I start. He puts a hand up.

"You know she wouldn't let us go." He admits softly. I know he's right. Kane looks at us with pity. I groan and turn to leave. If I'm walking to my death, I might as well get it over with. A hand grabs my shoulder. 

"Kallie, wait." Lincoln states. He jumps to stand in front of me. "Stay here." He insists. I open my mouth to protest. "Maybe Pike will accept just me." 

"Lincoln no. I can't let you. I will not let you die for me." I say with a shake of my head. I can't even imagine what Octavia would do to me. I search his stubborn face, but I can tell he isn't giving this up. 

"Don't make me drug you too." He half heartedly jokes. I wipe away a few tears that stream down my cheeks. 

"There has to be another way." I mutter. 

"Pike won't stop until someone dies. I need to go." He admits. I nod, trying to accept his fate. Lincoln reaches out his arm. I grab it and we shake hands. "Ai gonplei ste odon. Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim."

"May we meet again." I repeat. Then I watch Lincoln walk away. 

"Kallie!" Kane calls from behind me. I whip around and see him and Sinclair holding up an unconscious Octavia. "We need to go!" I rush over and help them carry my friend. We make our way away from Arkadia as fast as we can. We don't make it much further when we are interrupted again. 

"I guess the infamous Kali-Daeva didn't care enough about her people to show up for them." I hear Pike's voice echo. I slowly drop Octavia's legs to the ground. "You all owe your lives to Lincoln. The only trust worthy grounder apparently." That asshole...

I step past a few trees. We have been trekking uphill. I should be able to see Arkadia from here. I push a bit of brush aside. I spot Lincoln. He stands in the open area in front of the entrance to the Ark. The ground is muddy from rain. Pike speaks again but this time I can't hear what he is saying. He stands directly in front of Lincoln. I sense movement behind me but I ignore it as I watch Pike raise a gun to Lincolns head. 

"Lincoln of Trikru, you have been sentenced to death in accordance to the Exodus charter. Any last words?" Pike announces. Lincoln's mouth moves. He looks over towards where I stand. Then the gun goes off. I watch in slow motion as Lincoln falls to the ground. I cant help but wonder if my friendship is a curse. Then I turn and see Octavia standing next to me and I realize I'm being selfish. I go to place a hand on her shoulder but she smacks it away. I can see the tears streaming down her face. I can't even begin to comprehend the pain she is feeling. There's nothing I can do to help. I walk away from the grieving girl and stand next to Kane. He has a look of despair. We wait in silence for Octavia. 

"Let's go." The girl growls, stomping towards us. No one argues with her. 

Miller, Bryan, and Harper meet up with us on the way. I guess they escaped as well. We walk for a few hours before we finally reach our destination. I rush into the cave before anyone else. 

"Kal!" Bellamy cries as soon as he sees me. He jumps up from the ground but I notice his hands are chained together. I run over to him and instantly wrap my arms around him. He buries his head into the crook of my neck. He whispers something, but I don't understand what he says. I turn and watch as everyone files into the cave. Octavia walks in last. Bellamy's eyes widen and he takes a few steps back from me.

"Where's Lincoln?" He mutters. Octavia faces away from us, unpacking her things. She throws her bag on the ground.

"Pike put a bullet in his brain." She spits. I watch as tears form in Bellamy's eyes. 

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