I didn't know they got heats that many times. I thought it was maybe twice a year not four. It made sense now why the Alpha didn't want them to attend school or be around any humans. If heats come that often, the chances of us being found out were higher.

"And you, your heats are irregular right now. Completely unstable! You'll have more than four a year and we can't even time how long it'll be until the next one occurs. It can be in a month or it can be a week later. We just don't know yet so I prescribed your medication to at least attempt a heat regulation." He said dramatically as he pointed his finger at me.

"And medicine should fix my heat and make it normal?" I asked him while tilting my head to the side and he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"The real cure will be if you bond properly with your mate, but as things are right now between you both I honestly don't see that happening any time soon. Am I right?" He asked and I nodded my head silently.

"So yeah, at least for now we'll give the medicine a try. You being that close to him without being bonded...I don't think it'll end well. Your heat might trigger him or if he goes into rut he might attack you. There's tons of negatives but at least you're moving forward together and not rejecting one another." He sighed and I started bouncing my leg up and down.

"So you think I shouldn't live with him?" I asked without thinking.

I quickly covered my mouth and he raised his right eyebrow at me.

What was I thinking? Of course I should live with him. This is what I wanted. I wanted to be with a mate that loved and cherished me, how could he mates with me but not live under the same roof as me?

"It might be good for him since he'll be able to keep you away from potential threats or other suitors but like I said, with your heats the way they are and the possibility of him going into rut near you...it's just a disaster waiting to happen. You're a changed omega not a born one; that's why you're not really getting a sense of danger in anything I'm saying." He ranted and I didn't know what else to say.

I couldn't deny anything he was saying because he wasn't wrong. I was just naive and fixated on becoming mates with Juno as soon as possible.

I said I'd give him time so if he did go into rut and try to mate with me, he'd probably be angry with me if I let him but I wasn't going to just deny him in the time he needed me the most. Even if he hated me for it I'd rather him hate me for being there with him than rejecting him.

"You need to cherish your body more." The doctor added sadly before standing up from his seat.

I stayed in my chair as I watched him walk towards a glass cabinet on the right side of the room. It had medicine bottles on the other side of the glass door so I watched as he grabbed the knob and opened the cabinet door swiftly.

He tossed a pill bottle at me with his back still facing me and I caught it quickly. It was a wonder to me how he tossed it perfectly without even looking at me but instead of questioning him, I chose to just examine the bottle.

It was tiny and clear with a white lid on top. It said my name along the label with all the fancy other shit medication always has on it, and the pills were just white, small and circular.

"They're to try to regulate your heats. Start taking them in the mornings and then once you're out come see me so we can take a look at your results. If they give you any side effects, report to me immediately and try to stay away from other wolves with Alpha blood until we can get your heats under control. I know you can't help your living situation but for now we can just move forward and hope nothing bad happens." He explained as I looked over the bottle carefully.

There was about a little over a months worth of pills in here and I had to take them every morning consecutively for them to work.

"Okay thanks Doc." I told him as I stood up from my seat and headed towards the door.

He waved at me on my way out and I couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh after I closed his door behind me.

I didn't really understand all the hardships and work that went into being an omega at all. I had to take medicine to regulate my heats now, and the fact I'm even having them to begin with is wild.

It would've been easier if I was just born one instead of changed into one. I would've understood everything better and now my new doctors saying I have 'no sense of danger.'

No one wants a changed omega like me. I didn't have to worry about being around other wolves with alpha's blood like he said.

I still had to apologize to Julio and it wasn't like I could just avoid him forever.

A Wolf's Jealousy and Rejection (BXB) Where stories live. Discover now