I smiled at that but soon my smile wavered a little.

"I'll really miss you"
He reached to touch my hand through the opening in the glass barrier between us, oh how much I hated that barrier I wish for just one time it would disappear and I can actually hug him.

I looked up, a pair of beautiful sandy colored eyes met mine "I'll miss you even more, y/n".


Kazutora's pov:

"Visiting time is up" the office announced.

It's frustrating how time didn't want to move before y/n came but when she is here it felt like it has only been two seconds.

I wanted nothing more than stay longer with her, hold her warm soft hand for a little longer, look into her pretty eyes for a few more minutes.

But I couldn't do any of that, I just have her hand a gentle sqweeze before reluctantly releasing it and standing up mastering the best smile I could as I waved goodbye to the girl that haunted my thoughts for so long that I can't even remember how my life was before she became a part of it.

I turned around with the officer back to my lonely cell, while promising her a promise that only I will know for now.

When I get out of here, I promise that I'll confess my love to you.


Y/n's pov: next day:

We stood in front of my dorm my parents insisted to come with me to help me move all my things to my dorm and say goodbye to me.

"I can't believe my little baby is going to college" my mom said as she was starting to become emotional.

We hugged for a long while "I'll miss you so much, mom"

"Call me everyday, okay?" She said.
"I will, I promise".
"You are ready to go inside?" Said my dad as he pat my head.
"Yea... Let's go!"

We moved all my boxes to my room and then it was their time to leave, we said our final goodbyes and I was left alone in my room.

I'm supposed have a roommate but from the looks of it, I think she didn't come yet.

I started unpacking my stuff while listening to some music, and after about two hours I was halfway done so I decided to take a break.

I looked out of the window, the weather seemed nice for a little walk, so I changed my clothes and went out for a short walk.

I was walking aimlessly for a while just listening to music and exploring the area but after about an hour I felt tired and a bit hungry so I decided to head back to my room.

Except that... I don't know how to get back to my room.

I was walking for so long I don't remember which way the dorms are.

"It's okay y/n, don't panic! Let's find someone to ask for directions" I said to myself.

I looked around for anyone to ask, but the place I was in was so empty there was only one person and when I asked her she said she is a new student and doesn't know where should I go.

Great...! Getting lost on my first day.

I wish I knew someone here who can help me.


I took out my phone and searched for the contact number my finger hovering over the call button.

It would be embarrassing to ask for his help tho, he technically doesn't even know me.

Looking around again for someone who could help me and again there were no one around.

I took a deep breath and hit the call button.



"Um, heyy, is this Mitsuya Kun speaking?"
"Yes? and you are?"
"Oh, I'm not sure if you remember me but.... I'm hanemiya kazutora's friend.... He gave me your number"

This is the most awkward introduction I ever did.

He paused for what felt like 10 years but was probably a few seconds in reality.

"Oh, yea I remember you, y/n L/n right?"
"Yea, that's me"
"How are you? Kazutora said you will be studying in my university, did you arrive to Kyoto?"

"I'm okay thanks for asking, and yeaa about that, I kinda need help".


A/n: I hope you liked this chapter ❤️
Have a great day/ night , love you all ❤️❤️

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