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"You have nothing to do with that! Sit up Yn." he looked at Yn nervously and pressed his helmet into her hand

"Don't think we'll let you go with that much!" said the before guy

"Give us your girlfriend and then you can go!" said another giggling

"You can see that! I'll never let her go!" he smiled at them proudly "Then finally let us go and let's stop this pointless conversation!"

"Did you think I was stupid now? " said the first guy

And before Kazutora could say anything, the guy started running towards him.

"Let's fight! I will humiliate you to death!"

"You can catch that!" he turned to Yn and whispered to her "Hide somewhere nearby and when this will be over I will find you!" "Okey." Yn whispered back and ran away from there to a place she thought was safe

There was nothing to do, as Kazutora saw that Yn was gone he started to fight properly. "What the hell do you want from me?" while he kicking one of the guys in the stomach

"You're a Valhalla member, aren't you? If we beat you, it'll mean we're notorious and your gang can go in the trash!"

"Now I understand, you only want to be famous...but you can never defeat me!" he chuckled and knocked 3 people down with one punch

Because he wanted to finish quickly and was afraid that anything could happen to Yn, he quickly beat everyone to pieces, sparing none of them.

By the time he was done, those guys were already lying on the floor passed out, everyone was just amazed. Kazutora's face became bloody, but he didn't care about that now, he immediately went to look for Yn.

Kazutora's thoughts meanwhile: How did they know I was in the gang, maybe they once saw me in uniform with Hanma..."

He couldn't find Yn anywhere and started to panic. "Where can she be? Don't say...maybe she was in trouble."

To his great surprise, Yn came forward from behind one of the bushes and ran towards him in tears and fell on him. Two fell to the ground. But in the meantime, Kazutora hugged Yn so that she wouldn't get hurt.

"Are you okay? Your face is bloody." she began to wipe his face with her right hand

Then Kazutora took her hand and just said "I was worried about you!" and he kissed her

Yn returned the kiss "I was worried about you too, silly!" and finally she wiped the blood from his face

Since the danger was over, they could have left, but Yn still wanted to go to one of the target shooters.

"It's getting late, don't you want to go home?" he pointed to his motorcycle

"No, I want to go to one of the target shooters yet, I would like that plush cat!" she pointed to a white cat plush that was advertised throughout the amusement park

"But the back is the hardest to get!"

"Really? I didn't know that...we can go then." Yn suddenly became sad

"No, I'll get it for you!" then Yn's eyes lit up "Really? Thank you!"

They went there, Kazutora tried for a while, it didn't go very well, but then he got it on the 5th try. "Finally I got it!"

"You are very good, Tora!" Yn kissed him

Kazutora was surprised because Yn hadn't even kissed him before, but he kissed her back. He gave her the plushie and put his arm around her, they started to the motorbike.

They went home, Yn put her arm around Kazutora's waist on the way and hugged him tightly.

It's lucky that the next day was Sunday because they were up all night watching movies. Today was so much fun that they couldn't sleep, they were full of energy.

Although at 2 am, Yn fell asleep with her head resting on Kazutora's chest.

To be continued......

My tora (Yandere Kazutora×Yn)Where stories live. Discover now