Come with me Yn

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She looked around. She couldn't find him anywhere.

Yn got out of bed, she would have walked to the door when Kazutora came through the door.

"huh..Are you awake yet?"

Yn's tears started to fall.

"My God, what's wrong?"

"Nothing..." *she wiped her eyes

"Heh, have you missed me so much?" *He smiled


Then Kazutora kissed Yn's forehead.

Yn just looked at him speechlessly.

"By the way, good morning!"

(Anyways Kazutora was only in the bathroom to brush his teeth)

After that, they had breakfast, got dressed and went to school.


Yn's first class was PE And she noticed that "that" is the PE teacher no matter how many times she did anything with Misa, the teacher watched her the whole time. This bothered her a lot. After class, during break, Kazutora burst into her class. She was just sitting at her bench when she saw him.

"Oi, good to see you Kazu-"

She couldn't finish because Tora suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her away. Meanwhile, he was muttering this "Come with me Yn."

In the corridor "Wait what?"

"I have something important to say so come with me!"

They went to a secluded place in the yard. "So...I have an important question."


"Uhm, well,...well, this prom is on Friday and I'd like you and know..."

"Sure. I'll go to the prom with you!"

After that, the day went usual. They went home together.

3 days passed, it was Friday. Yn has been living with Kazutora for 4 days now. She is very grateful to be able to live with them, but even then she doesn't know how else to thank him. Because lately she has been doing so well with him, she is starting to feel better and for that she is very grateful to him, too.

Nothing much happened in the morning.

Afternoon: Yn wore a beautiful purple dress to the prom. Her mother wore this dress to her first prom, where she met her father. She went out of the room into the living room.

"Wow...You're so beautiful!" *He smiled at her in amazement

"Thank you! This dress was my mom's. And you are so formal." *she smiled

"Well, I don't usually dress like that..."

"Let me take a picture of you, you're so cute!" said the mother happily

"Ahh mother for what?"

"For memories!" said the two women in the room at the same time

Kazutora grabbed Yn's waist and pulled her close. Kazutora's mom took a lot of pictures of them! They had fun.

They went to the prom together.

"Everything here is so cozy and beautiful!"

"Well yeah...I never thought that the school would be decorated so much."

They went to the sports Hall. (The event was there)

"Wow, there are a lot of people!"

"Well, yes, because the whole scho-" Then Yn grabbed Kazutora's arm and dragged him over to the drinks. Misa was there and a guy not far away. "Wait what are you do-" *said the black haired with yellow stripes

"Hi Misa! Uhhh is that him?" *she said excitedly

"Hi Yn! Uhm......yes!" *she said softly

"And he invited you to the prom??"

".....Yes!" *she said blushing

"Omg, I knew you two would get together!"

"Shh, don't so loudly, he will hear what you say.."


"Whoah and him....oh you guys are together?"


"Yes!" *he turned his back on them "Let's go Yn!" Kazutora pulled Yn's arm away. "We'll talk later Misa!"

They went from there to the corridor.

There was an awkward silence. Yn doesn't wanted, that's why she spoke. "Why did you say tha-?"

"Because I want us to be together! That's why I wanted you to come with me!"

Suddenly Kazutora kissed Yn's lips.

My tora (Yandere Kazutora×Yn)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن