*-The Debut part 3-*

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"Thanks Shaun!" *I said while looking at him until Ricky said something*

Ricky: "Okay stop being lovey dovey and let's do something!"

*I rolled my eyes* "wait, he said to eat our sweets, shouldn't we eat them?"

Ricky: "sure finally something we can agree on!"

After a few minutes of us eating I was wondering, why was Barbie on my mind the whole time we was eating. Like I was worried about her for some reason but I just Shaked it off and continued eating,

After we finished eating me and Emilico found out that the pieces were the keys so we got to go outside and we walked through the garden just to go to the center with something that was gigantic Infront of us until we saw Edward

Edward: "congratulations you didn't take too long to come, Aren't you forgetting something important?"

Emilico and me then said: "Where are put shadow masters?"

Edward: "The rules are simple." "You must edit the garden before the allotted time expires." "But first you must save your shadow masters."

Shaun: "Save them? What have you done?"

Me and Emilico looked at eachother worried

Edward: "You must be concerned. It's important to feel that way. After all, living dolls exist for the same of their masters."

Shaun: "Why are you putting us through this?!"

Edward: "Such questions are trivial, immaterial! Consider carefully what you should be thinking about and what you should not be." "You must protect your masters, for they are nobles. No harm must come to a living doll's face while in the labyrinth. And a Shadow's attire must not get dirty. Thus far, the ranking from the top is Naoroko, Shaun, Rum, Emilico, Lou and last, Ricky. Higher rankings yeild a greater advantage.

He then pointed to the items

Edward: "The items you see over there may prove useful in this test. The top ranked doll chooses first."

I then recognised it was me then I walked over to the items to choose, some shear looking thing, a lantern with oil, and then I saw the others and I saw the records which could come in useful for where the shadow master's are located I thought and could tell me about the relatives and relationships of the dolls in the children wing so.

"I choose these records."

Ricky: "what? Those garbage records won't tell you anything or will help!"

"Well it could if you read my mind to what I was thinking of."

Then Shaun said he would let the Lou and ricky choose first since I think he wanted to see what would be last.

Ricky: "alright I'll go then,"

He then proceeded to the items and chose his, then Lou chose the shears, rum chose the lantern.

Ricky: "A lantern during the day? That's stupid."

"Ricky we don't know how long we will stay so she chose a safe option!"

Then it was Emilico's turn and she chose the cart

Ricky: "She's an even bigger idiot than I thought!"

Shaun: "Emilico, Why'd you pick that?"

Lou: "It looks heavy."

Emilico: "I had to have this!"

I then said,

"Good choice Emilico!" I smiled at her

Emilico: "thanks Naoroko!"

Edward then smirked

Edward: "The sootglass takes about two hours for the soot to go from bottom to top. You must bring your master to the exit before then. Take this and wait at the entrance I told each of you to go to.

He gave a bag to emilico

Edward: "Now, go!"

After a few minutes of looking around at finding a place to sit down and relax, I opened the records to find files, and a lot of paper so I decided to look at where the shadow master's could be located since the pieces of paper were in file groups with names, relatives, relationships, location and names and when I checked, the first letter of every shadow master was on it showing the location I thought and mine was really far so I decided to keep running until I could find my way to her, since Mistress Rosabel-Sama is really important to me."

~•With Rosabel•~

"Why am I tied on a tree and why is there a big boulder on top of me that's slowly going down as the sootglass is processing it's way up, please Naoroko, save me."

~• with you •~

I found another eating spot so I decided to rest since I was nearly there and since I was curious I checked relationships and it was just the relationship of the dolls together and shadow master's but there was too many so I putted them back and then I went to relatives and the first one was the obvious one which was the two that didn't help rum when she was getting yelled at by Barbie so then I decided to check another paper and when I looked at it, I dropped it and covered my mouth with emotions swirling from me, I was frightened, I was in disbelief and I was a bit angered but that didn't stop me from trying to find My master and I said

"I'll give the folder with the relatives to Barbie if I get to see her or if I actually get to pass the debut."

I then started running with the records and when I was at the gate, I couldn't open it but luckily I knew how to climb over a tall grass hedge and I got to her but when I did I looked at Mistress-Rosabel-Sama in disbelief as the boulder was close to her and I actually had to get the shears, but I was lucky I could also climb trees and unlock ropes so I did exactly that and when we got down, she hugged me tightly.

Rosabel: "Naoroko you didn't know how scared I was!"

She started crying with soot coming out

"Let's go we only have 8 minutes left!"

We then started running and we got to the gate where we saw Shirley and rum and they couldn't seem to open the gate so I tried too but I couldn't plus I was too tired to climb again but then remembered I used Bobby pins to make my hair so I took one from my hair since I always put extras and I opened the door and we all ran since we only had 30 seconds and when it was 10 seconds left, we made it and the bells ringed

"Mistress Rosabel and Mistress Shirley has arrived"

I looked around and saw Barbie so when we were about to go inside I gave her the folder

"Here, Barbie I want you to have this"

I gave it to her and she looked at me surprised and I went inside

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