|~The Debut part 2~|

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Louise: Very well, if you say so.

Emilico mind: we all are the first rank because the correct way to view living dolls is as mere faces. But, it's a bit sad. For rum, her figure is at Ricky's level. No! I must remember my "don't Fret" Notebook! Fret not over...

Then Rums master's mini figure went one line down, I was getting worried.

Then Emilico went up to rum

Emilico: Rum, why don't you try talking to your shadow master with your finger? You know, like you did with me that time?

Rum: you know about Rummy?

Emilico: Rummy! I talk to my stuffed toy, Rolly, just like Rum talks to you

Rum: would you like some tea? *She said embarrassingly*

Emilico: oh no! I left mistress Kate alone!

*She runs to her*

*Then Ricky's shadow master laughed*

Patrick: A face that forgot where it's body was.

*I was about to walk to them when Shauns shadow master John I think said something to Patrick*

John: No need to be so aggressive. It's a party. Let's have fun

Shaun's fulfilling his role as a face, isn't he..

Mistress Rosabel-Sama then patted my head so I decided to act like how I thought she would act so I smiled with my eyes and mouth closed as she said

Rosabel: Ne, ne my little doll don't have to be too disappointed you can't do the same

Wait how did she know-

A few minutes later

Patrick: Listen, Kate That face's behaviour has been atrocious today

I was about to stand up for Emilico when Mistress Rosabel-Sama said something

Rosabel: Ne, ne Naoroko please don't get involved with this..

Patrick: what's with the names Emilico and Naoroko?

Rosabel and Kate: What of it? Dolls must have a name It's one of the rules

Louise: Emilico and Naoroko? What strange names, A name closer to one's own is Customary.

Me and Emilico: Huh?

Louise: Who knows about that shy one, But the rest of us Have such names. Louise and Lou, John and Shaun, Patrick and Ricky... It's one's own face, so it's only natural Kate and Rosabel does not like their faces their faces so unloved,

Rosabel: Since when was judging involved with names?

Then instead of me and Emilicos figure going down, Lou's one went down

Emilico was about to cry by her comment so I went to her and hugged her on my arms

Kate's mind : This won't do, if we remain so emotionally distant. Soon we will fail the debut. What is wrong with her and Naoroko, it's thanks to Rosabel we're still at first place, why won't Emilico act as Kate wishes, we must be more like Sarah and Mia, atleast she doesn't fret over trivial matters, She befriends other faces, she let that name issue get to her, Living dolls exist only to be a Shadows face but she hasn't forgotten the teaching I taught her so that's good

Then Edward started playing the piano but me and Mistress Rosabel-Sama agreed not to do anything because we thought he was calming himself down

Patrick: what an elegant tune, who knew special dolls could play the piano?

Me and Mistress Rosabel-Sama then heard Ricky say something

Ricky: Maybe he wants us to dance to see if we're at one for eachother

I then acted as Mistress Rosabel-Sama's face

Rosabel: he never said to dance and he is most likely calming himself down so it's best we don't interrupt him

I then death glared at Ricky as I saw Rosabel-Sama wanting to do it then Ricky said

Ricky: ok I think we shouldn't dance

Patrick: So is Little miss defender making you not want to do it let me talk to her, Hey Little miss defender, mind your own business

Living dolls are supposed to protect masters even if it's not their own shadow master, living dolls are made to respect their shadow master, and other shadow master.

Then Shaun have me a thumbs up and I did it back to him, Kate and John hopefully didn't see it, I think

Emilico was relieved we didn't have to dance as I guessed she didn't know how to dance so I whispered in her ear that after the debut and when we start cleaning again I could teach her how to dance and she was happy and started nodding then I went back to Mistress Rosabel-Sama

Rosabel: Naoroko please stay next to me at all times please, I don't want you getting hurt

While she said it I was acting worried as my face expression for her sentence

Of course mistress Rosabel-Sama

Patrick was about to hit me when Ricky stopped him by putting his hand on Patrick's shoulder and Shaked his head to not do it and of course Patrick didn't hit me

Then Kate said something

Kate: Patrick even if you was going to hurt her, always remember you can't hit a doll that isn't yours

Louise: Louise agrees with kate-

John: John does too!

Patrick: ugh whatever

Rum then smiled at me knowing even Shirley would've said the same thing as them as I smiled back at her then John then whispered in Shaun's ear something that made Shaun blush and John teased him secretly, I wondered what he said as I couldn't hear what he said to Shaun.

And after Edward finished the music he went to get a cup of tea he then went to the door to somewhere

And said

Edward: I'll show you guys to our lovely garden. This way please, he bowed

Rosabel: Rosabel loves nature, especially gardens!

Louise: A splendid idea, Louise would love to see it

All of the shadows went through, then Ricky was about to go when

Edward: What do you think your doing?

Ricky: huh?

Edward: Eat your sweets

Then the door closed on us before I even went through it

Shaun catches me from the back before I fell, I was grateful thinking if he didn't catch me.

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