°^The Debut^°

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|your pov|

|A few days later|

I wake up to my alarm ringing so I shut it off and put my clothes then ate the loaf of bread and went to Mistress Rosabel-Sama so we could go to the debut, but she was still asleep so I putted on an apron and cleaned the room and took the apron off, then I opened the curtains which made her wake up and she said

Rosabel: thanks for waking me up, I forgot to put my silent alarm on since I was kinda busy

It's alright Mistress Rosabel-Sama! You have to get ready so we can go to the debut room!

Rosabel: Oh right! I'll get ready as soon as possible! Thanks for reminding me Naoroko!

Not a problem! That's a dolls duty isn't it?

Rosabel: yea it is..

Exactly so what do we have to loose! Take as much time as you need we're still a bit early so you can just take your time! No one's stopping you!

Rosabel: alright I will Naoroko just do what you want for a bit while waiting for me to get ready alright?

Okay I will mistress Rosabel-Sama!

I go out of the room and into my room and start writing in my book about the notes

Okay first note!

Some dolls are also siblings but it's very rare for them to both be chosen unlike two identical twins here have been chosen because they act the same

Oh like those two dummies who didn't help rum even if she's on their team!

Also the siblings selected might get their whole mind brainwashed so they don't remember their twin at all so you might be lucky if you still have your sibling here as most siblings get killed here in the mansion

Oh that's horrible! Next note

Dolls come from a village, one of the 7 villages closest to the shadow mansion, shadows visit and choose to get new dolls everytime-

Rosabel: Naoroko I'm ready!

I'm coming mistress Rosabel-Sama!

I ran to the room and saw mistress Rosabel-Sama at the door so I went with her then she putted a veil on me

Me and mistress Rosabel-Sama went to the gate and we suspected we was early so we waited until the others came and, they came and then we saw an old man open the gate and he said to follow him so we all did, then he asked a question

Edward: Why do you suppose this corridor to Lord Grandfather's wing is so long?

*I putted all the answers to the questions in rum, Shaun and Emilicos hand and we said*

Living dolls shouldn't think of such things

Edward: you all are such promising dolls aren't you?

We walked then he said

Edward: Now, let the debut begin.

Shaun's master said

???: Are debuts always this empty?

Then stupid Ricky's master said

???: We can't meet Lord Grandfather yet?

Edward: The living dolls may remove their veils, and you are free to speak

We took of our veils

Edward: you are the candidates for today's debut

He then placed mini figures of our dolls on some shelf and we was all at the same level so which I supposed was levels then sat down

Edward: Show me what you got

I looked at the shadow master's seeing some show soot, and some not knowing what to do but mistress Rosabel-Sama was calm then Shaun's shadow master then said

???: Show me what you've got?! What does that even mean?!

Then Emilicos shadow master then said

???: There's food here, Perhaps we should help ourselves, Kate shall have some tea to start,

???: Louise shall have something to eat.

Rosabel: Rosabel shall have some tea and something to eat.

Louise: So, your names are Rosabel and Kate?

Rosabel and Kate: yes

Me and Emilico watched them chat while Louise wasn't bothered

Louise: Having never met another shadow before made Louise quite anxious

Kate: really? Let's all three of us be friends

Louise: No, there is no need for that

Rosabel: I'll gladly accept the offer

Kate: alright

Louise: look, look!

Louise: This is Louis's face, isn't it so pretty?

Rosabel: this is my dolls face, hers also looks pretty right?

Louise: Oh she's perfect! Lou and your doll will be the bestest of friends!

Kate: it is, both of your dolls are very beautiful. *She and Emilico walk away

Louise: Right? So glad you agree

Louise: One becomes so anxious without an objective opinion, You may tell Louise how wonderful she is

Kate and Rosabel: No, Thank you

Louise: Oh, but your face says you would like to keep looking at Louise

Emilicos mind: The makeup makes Lou look even prettier and Naoroko looks also more prettier even if she looks the same,

Emilico: oh! Forgive me, Mistress Kate!

Me and Rosabel begin giggling

Ne ne Kate's doll it's alright, you was just out of thought.

???: Your face isn't anything special!

Rosabel: hey, don't say that. Louise's doll looks much prettier than your doll even if he tries to make him self better, atleast she's special in her own way, right my dear doll?

Yes mistress Rosabel-Sama is right, She is never wrong so good luck trying

Louise: thank you Rosabel and your doll, but What did you say!

???: Look at Patrick's face, it's nothing like, it's nothing like-

Rosabel: it looks nothing prettier than Louise's doll

Patrick: How dare you!

???: The fake smile of one who doesn't know her place

Patrick: Right! It's an expression you could not possibly make

Louise: How rude! What an atrocious personality

Rosabel: what's your dolls name?

Patrick: uhm Ricky

Rosabel: hey Shirley you alright there? I'm asking because of this Ricky and Patrick guy,

Shirley nods at her

Rosabel: alright that's good

Ricky: Atrocious? I beg to differ

Hey, Ricky how about you and your master mind about yourself and not on other people? That's no way dolls and shadow master's should act

Ricky: Patrick's face has a marvelous personality

Louise, Kate, Shaun's master and Rosabel: wait, faces have personalities?

*Edward then putted us three's mini figure of our master on the top*

I give a thumbs up to The others

Patrick: N-no! It's Patrick's marvelous personality that exudes from his face!

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