Chapter 1

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My life was pretty normal. I'd go to school Monday through Friday and I hang out with my friends. But on Fridays, I hurry up and get on a plane and head to whatever track NASCAR is at the weekend. This weekend was Dover.

"How was school?" Chase Elliott greeted me as I walked into the garage area.

Chase was one of my absolute best friends.

"Sucked as usual," was my answer. "But now it's summer and I can focus on racing."

I headed off to go say hi to Ryan Blaney, Darrell Wallace Jr, Erik Jones, and Austin and Ty Dillon who were racing in the Xfinity series this weekend, and were also some of my best friends.

"Hey you guys." I said as I walked though the garage.

"Hey!" Ty said back to me. "So it's finally summer?"

"Yes it is. I like how you used 'finally.'"

I headed back to the number 9 garage and watched the crew work on the blue and yellow Napa Chevy.

"Hey Amy!" Chase said as he came up behind me. "You and I have to go to the Chevy Stage for a little interview before qualifying for trucks starts."

"Alright. Let's go."

Chase and I got to the Chevy display and walked up on stage. Probably close to 150 fans were there and were clapping and cheering as we walked.

"Welcome to the Chevy Stage!" Dan greeted us. "Thank you for coming on short notice."

"I just got here so I didn't have my weekend schedule yet so this gives me something to do." I said.

"So we're at the Monster Mile this weekend. Would you say it really is a pretty difficult racetrack?"

"Yeah I'd say so," Chase answered. "I think everyone can say that besides Jimmie Johnson. But it's one of those tracks to where if your car is handling good you could use the three different lines to your advantage."

"And Amy, you don't race these cars, but you're here to watch. What kind of racing can we expect?"

"The racing here is great. It's a really racey racetrack, and with all the strategies that the teams make it calls for a really exciting finish. Especially if we get a late race caution."

"Well thank you guys again for joining us today. Chase good luck, and Amy have fun!"

"Thank you." Chase and I said at the same time.

We headed back down to the garage and the teams were packed up for the night.

"Want to go watch a movie?" Chase asked me.

"Sure." I answered.

We went to Chase's RV and decided on a movie.

"What do you want to watched?" He asked me.

"Well I WANT The Fault in our Stars, but I know that you don't like that so I guess I don't really care."

"Ya no I'm not watching some sappy love story."

"C'mon. Ya it's sad but it's SOO good."

"Not tonight. How about Talladega Nights?

"Sounds good."

He popped the disk into the player and we watched. By the time it got over is was already midnight and we both had a long day ahead of us. So I just slept on his couch that night.

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