The Golden Age of Ninja

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Onyx and Lloyd zoomed through the city, rapidly approaching the Destiny's Bounty. As they drew nearer, Onyx spotted a familiar brown gi on the plank. "Is that who I think it is?" She asked. Lloyd squinted and nodded. "Change of plans. First we've gotta save Dareth," he said. "Got it," Onyx agreed. Suddenly, a pirate wearing a hat kicked the man, knocking him off of the Bounty. "I've got him!" Lloyd shouted, diving towards Dareth, just barely managing to catch him in the Ultra Dragon's talons.

Onyx heard him shout something about calling a dragon before Lloyd flew him out of earshot, dropping him off on the ground. As Fade flew over the ship, Onyx leapt from her back and landed right in the middle of the fray. Kai jumped up from where he had slipped on a mess of marbles rolling across the deck. "Onyx, where's Lloyd?" He shouted. "Right here! Hyaa!" Lloyd shouted, leaping off of the Ultra Dragon and accidentally taking Zane out in the process.

"Onyx, what the heck?" Neither of you are supposed to be here!" Kai shouted, blocking Soto from cutting Lloyd in half. "Technically, you just told me to stay with him in case he ran into trouble. I'm still following your rules," she Onyx said. "You know full well what I meant!" Kai exclaimed, tossing Lloyd into a barrel, which flipped over and rolled into Kai, knocking him off deck and onto the anchor, which was dragging along the ground.

Onyx ran over to Lloyd and pulled him out of the barrel. "Here, you might need this," she said, handing him one of her katanas. Lloyd nodded. "Let's do this!" He shouted. The two began attacking, clashing swords with the pirates. Onyx was locked in combat with a bald pirate when the Captain suddenly shouted, "Come here, you blurry little munchkins!" From behind her. Her eyes widened at the sound of a sword leaving its sheath. She couldn't turn around or the bald pirate would impale her.

"Onyx, look out!" Lloyd's voice shouted, an unsteady green tornado suddenly spinning into her and flinging her out of the way. The two fell into a tangled heap on the deck. "Woah, I just did Spinjitzu for the first time!" Lloyd shouted excitedly. Onyx disentangled herself and leapt up. "Thanks," she gasped, grabbing his arm and pulling him to his feet. "Whoo, haha!" Kai laughed from across the deck.

Lloyd clasped his hands together, summoning a ball of green energy with a grunt. "Lloyd, don't! Your powers are too uncontrollable!" Kai shouted, but it was too late. Lloyd threw the ball of energy, accidentally hitting the mast, which creaked and began to snap. "Get down!" Onyx shouted, dropping to the deck and covering her head. She heard the others do the same as the mast tipped over, trapping the ninja under the sails.

Onyx grabbed Lloyd's hand, trying to prevent them from getting separated. The two crawled underneath the sail, finally managing to poke their heads out from underneath it. A split second later, the other four emerged. But before the six could pull themselves all the way out, metallic shhhings stopped them in their tracks. Onyx froze as a cold blade touched the back of her neck. "You lose, pajama people," Captain Soto hissed. Onyx closed her eyes as he raised the sword to deal a final blow.

Moments before the steel severed her head, the Samurai X mech rose above the side of the ship and grabbed the mast, swinging it around and trapping the pirate crew inside. Onyx gave a relieved sigh, getting shakily to her feet. "Who wins between pirates and ninja? It's samurai!" Jay shouted triumphantly.


Onyx and the others stood together on the sidewalk, watching the police push the handcuffed pirates into the back of their cars. "Good work, team!" An officer with an unflattering pencil mustache said to Kai. "Hey, don't forget these two!" He responded, putting Onyx and Lloyd into playful headlocks. The two glanced at each other and grinned. "Hehe. Told you you'd be safe," she said. Lloyd laughed along with her. "Anyway, that your ship?" The officer asked, pointing at the Destiny's Bounty. "It sure is," Kai said, releasing the two.

Suddenly, Lord Garmadon appeared on deck as the engines roared to life. "Sorry, you snooze, you lose!" He shouted, the Bounty rising off the ground and out of reach. "Garmadon!" Cole shouted. "Dad!" Lloyd cried. Garmadon looked regretfully at his son. "You're becoming stronger, son, but you'll never be strong enough to defeat me. Give up before it's too late," he said. Lloyd faltered, glancing back at the ninja. "Don't listen to him! I know you can do it," Onyx said. Lloyd nodded and looked at Garmadon. "Sorry Dad," he murmured, backstepping towards the ninja.

Garmadon clenched the Ultra Weapon so hard it shook. "Fine, have it your way. Another day, ninja. Another day," he promised menacingly as the Bounty zoomed away. Onyx walked up beside Lloyd. "Are you okay?" She asked after seeing his upset look. "Huh? Oh. Yeah, I'll be fine," Lloyd said, shaking his head. "Aw, great! Now Garmadon is back, and he has our ship!" Jay cried. "Well at least we have this little guy," Cole said, mussing Lloyd's hair.

Onyx glanced behind her at the sound of whistling. She saw Dareth sneaking up behind Jay. He waited a moment before grabbing Jay. Jay yelped and flung Dareth over his shoulder. Dareth looked up at the ninja and Nya from the ground. "Aw, come on guys. I 'Dareth' you to forgive me," he said. Onyx joined in on the others' laughter.

Yes, yes, I know. It's been a while. Life's been kicking me in the teeth.

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