CHAPTER 2: Realization

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Days went by Mao and Phi became good peers to each other, still they were not special for each other.

Mao and Phi were together in a group project for Good Friday Assembly, with their friends.

They were on stage together for an act, the program was a success, they celebrated along with their friends and teachers during the program, Mai was fascinated by Phi and his aura.

Mao tried his best getting Phi off his mind but eventually he addressed to his friend that he likes Phi and as what a good friend would do, his friend made it his life's mission to bring Phi and Mao together or at least get them some time together.

Mao had slowly started obsessing over Phi, he would imagine Phi while listening to love songs, he would make up weird scenarios in his mind about him and Phi being together.

While on the other hand , Phi was seeing a girl with whom, he wanted to make it official.

On a Wednesday morning, their school had a volleyball tournament, Mao was so excited to spend his entire day with Phi.
Mao reached school early in the morning and waited deliberately for Phi but as usual Phi was late.

Mao kept a seat reserved for Phi but Phi went and sat with his friends totally ignoring Mao. Mao didn't get mad, he instead waited for Phi to eat lunch together but when he asked Phi , he said he already ate his lunch.

Mao ate his lunch alone, while sobbing inside his heart.

Next day, on their physical training session, Phi started getting touchy with Mao, but enough was enough, Mao made it clear, he doesn't want anything from Phi anymore but Phi started joking around.

Mao started ignoring phi, but as days went by he started feeling heavy in his chest, he would try his best not to come accross Phi while having his lunch time, he would ignore him waiting outside to go home together.

Mao after a month decided to let go and be friends with Phi again, but as he went to talk to him.

Phi mentioned a girl he wanted to be official with and approached the girl in front of Mao, after being mad at Mao for coming in his way.

Mao felt dumb inside, he kept smiling and acted as if he was happy for Phi around his friends but he clearly was not .


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