Episode Fifty Nine.

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Song ~ memories back then - T.I

My Kidnapper Season Three Episode Fifty nine.

"Dealing wit The past"

MELANI PARIS August 14th📍HOME————

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August 14th

It's been some time since the whole dream thing and I still do not know how my past got into my now present, I haven't told anybody yet I'm still tryna figure it out myself

Everyone was at their house and I was home alone sitting on my floor looking at the bloody clothes in the suitcase Yea I could burn it or something but I feel like it's here for some reason I don't know abt but I know I have to figure it out

Maybe it's the guilt I had since the accident and I have to tell somebody abt it to let go of this and get rid of the guilt

I zipped up the suitcase and put it in the little crawl space that's in my closet then I shut my closet door I wasn't gonna say anything just yet because I'm still a little confused so I just rolled up and got high while listening to my music

I laid in bed hungry but to high to get up when my phone started ringing and it was notti

"Yo my heart you okay you been off " he said

"Yea I'm good " I said

"It don't seem like it you haven't came around in a while what's on your mind " he said

"Nothing ethan I said I'm good " I said wit anger then hung up

Ion know why I just got angry out of no where it's just a lot going on right now and a whole bunch of questions is not what I need right now

I sat in my bed having thoughts abt what happened that day I killed that man he hurt me I didn't know what to do , I had to protect myself I just had to I stabbed and stabbed and stabbed until my arms got sore listening to his crys and groans begging me to stop and begging for forgiveness but I just didn't care I was blunt

He should've never touched me I told him to stop he didn't listen just like the first person but this time I had control I did what had to be done


14 years old , 3 years ago

"Angel I'm not sure if I'm ready right now can't you wait until I'm above age your to old for me " I said as I was sat up on the counter by angel who was thirsty kissing all up on me

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