Episode one.

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Now playing episode one.....

Now playing episode one

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"Mel please come downstairs and feed the dog" I heard my mom yelled as I was rushing to do my hair

"hold on mom I'm doing my hair right now" I said as I let the curl fall off the curler

"Please Mel I'm doing stuff right now come do what you have to do" my momma yelled as I huffed and puffed Then put the curler down and stomped downstairs

"What mom I'm tryna get ready" I said as I looked at her

"Listen Mel feed the dog and where are you going " my momma asked as I went over to get the dog food and pour it into her bowl

"I'm going to a party wit my friends " I said as I put the bag back and went to walk upstairs

"Wait Mel dressed like that " my mom said looking at my fit up and down

"Momma I'm 15 not 13 or anything plus I couldn't wear what I wear before I'm happy plus this fit doesn't show to much momma" I said wit my New York accent

"Ok look Mel I just want you to be safe and I'm glad you feel confident in your body now " my momma said

"Thank you momma now I gotta go finish " I said as I ran upstairs to do my hair

Once I was done my hair I made sure my lashes wasn't leaning and then I put on my purse lipgloss and perfume then called my boyfriend


Hey I'm ready wya

Rd im about to pull up


Once he pulled up I walked downstairs and said bye to my momma

"Momma im leaving i love you" I said giving her a hug and she kissed me on my cheek

"Bye honey be safe I love you be back by 12

"Ok momma" I said as I walked out the house and got into my boyfriend car and kissed him

"Hey mama you look good" trey said looking me up and down

" thank you bae you looking good to " I say as we pulled off

"Wait can we stop at a gas station I need something and I wanna take pictures " I said as he nodded

Once we pulled up I went inside Wawa and got a slushy and candy then when I got out I put my stuff in the car

"Bae come take my pictures please " I said as he got out and took the phone

𝓶𝔂 𝓴𝓲𝓭𝓷𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓻 ( 𝚊 𝚍𝚍𝚘𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚊 mafia story) ~ OUR DEEPEST SECRET.Where stories live. Discover now