Nayliä gasped and covered her mouth. "Oh my goodness, she did not!"

Neytiri laughed and nodded her head, "She did! He was so pissed but it was hilarious."

Jake joined in on the laughter and thought to himself, poor Aiyakan.

"So when will you tame your own skimwing?"

Neytiri rolled her eyes, "I told you I have no interest in doing so. I'm perfectly okay with my ikran."

"To be fair, you did make her get her own ikran."

Nayliä grinned victoriously at Jake's comment.

"Hey! Don't do that. No teaming up on me again."

Nayliä giggled at her wife's cautious expression. Suddenly, an idea came to her.

"How about I take you and Neteyam and teach you both at the same time."

Jake didn't agree with letting his older son attempt to get his own skimwing, but he didn't voice his opinion.

"Liä..." Neytiri was a bit more open minded than Jake but she was still hesitant.

Nayliä was always the one who allowed their children to push their limits and sharpen their skills. She always had complete confidence in her children's abilities but also knew when to reign them back in.

"Okay! Hear me out, he's a brave boy and deserves the chance to become a warrior here. He's always trying to make us proud and this will only serve as another opportunity for him. I believe in our son, he can do this."

"Mama, I can't do this."

Neteyam was currently getting a pep talk from Nayliä. Tonowari, Aiyakan, Rey'na, Jake and Neytiri were nearby. They were there to make sure nothing went wrong. Ao'nung was also there to watch. Since he was the chief's son, he couldn't attempt this feat just yet. There was to be an entire ceremony for him but for now he was content with watching Neteyam try.

Tonowari looked to Jake, "Are you sure your boy is ready?"

Jake nodded his head, if his wife thought so then he would have faith in her judgment.

To be fair, Neteyam technically shouldn't have the opportunity given to him. He was still inexperienced and young but Nayliä sweet talked Ronal and Tonowari.

They declared it to be a special circumstance and allowed it.

That only added more pressure to Neteyam. He was grateful of course but nervous as hell. Why did his mom sign him up for this? And why did his mother and father allow it?

Nayliä could see her son's nerves all over his face. She grabbed both his hands and felt them trembling in her grasp.

"Listen to me okay? I wouldn't have suggested this if I didn't think you could do it. Remember how I showed you with mine the last few days?"

Neteyam nodded and he felt a little less anxious. Over the last couple of days, Nayliä had been preparing him and Neytiri for this very moment. He didn't think he was ready but his mom saw something completely different from him.

"Okay good, move just like how I taught you. You can do this. But if you want to wait till a later day we can, I won't force you to continue. "

Neteyam felt a new wave of determination and shook his head.

"You're right, I can do this."

Nayliä grinned at him and called the others over. He was ready.

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