Danny's Intro 🧡💀

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🧡💀Main Information💀🧡
Name: Danny Elfman
Age: 30
Birthday: May 29th 1953
Place of birth: Los Angeles, CA
Pronouns: he/him
Personality type: ENTP
Sexuality: bi
Occupation: musician/film score composer
Likes: depends
Dislikes: doing cardio (even tho I have to)
Time period: 1980's
Source: Oingo Boingo
Species: human
Dom/sub: Dom
Positive Triggers: things that make me happy, like music
Negative Triggers: not sure yet
Partner(s): the._leaf._colective (<3)

🧡💀 Appearance💀🧡
Faceclaim: myself
Hair: short, ginger
Eyes: brown
Height: 5'10
Nationality: American

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