"Are you her mother or parents?" The lady asks.

"No. Her worker just told me to get her aboard. I assume she has family in New York." Mick explains sadly.

"If there is an empty seat or you think you should join her, go ahead, and try to trade seats. I will inform the captain of this change."

"Okay." Mick agrees before looking at her brother and nephew.

"We'll be okay. Go try and sit with her." Ben smiles nervously, "Cal and I will be fine."

"Thanks." Heading inside and onto the plane, Mick sets Lexa down long enough to find Lexa's seat. Spotting an empty seat next to Lexa's, Mick immediately kneels to buckle Lexa in, "I will go get your bag from Cal then be right back." Mick whispers before looking up to see Cal and Ben sitting down.

"Auntie Mick, this is her bag." Cal calls to get Mick's undivided attention. Walking over to accept it, Mick kisses Cal's shaved head before hurrying over back to Lexa. Putting her bag up, Mick closes the door before sitting down next to Lexa. Buckling up as well, Mick shuts her phone down before turning to Lexa who is looking around wild and scared.

"Just cover your ears as we take off, okay, sweetie?" Mick whispers before noticing that Lexa is covered in bruises, scars and fresh cuts, "How old are you, sweetie?" Mick asks curiously.

"Six." Lexa breathes, "Mommy never let me learn to read or go to school." Hearing how Lexa is slow and unsure about speaking, so Mick nods.

"I'm sorry. No one should go through that." Mick confesses, "If I meet with your guardian or guardians when we land, would you like to meet my niece and nephew officially?"

Seeing confusion on Lexa's face, Mick asks a different question to clear things up.

"Who would you be moving in with to live?"

"Mommy's parents."

"My nephew is Cal. He's over there with his dad, my brother, Ben." Pointing to her ten-year-old nephew and Ben, Lexa waves back after Cal and Ben does, "My niece, Olive is Cal's twin sister. Olive went ahead of us back to New York with her mom, Grace, and my parents."

"Oh." Lexa breathes trying to absorb this information.

"Would you like to meet the family when we are back in New York?"

"Are they nice?"

"Yes. We all are."

"Will you be there?"

"Do you want me to be?"


"Then I will be." Mick smiles as the engines start up. Feeling Lexa cuddle into her before covering her ears, Mick holds her close in content.


Around a third of into their flight, Lexa is watching Cal play a game on his tablet but is still in Mick's arms. Watching Cal immediately welcomes and warms up to Lexa, warms Mick's heart and causes her to smile. As Ben and Mick talk about their lives in New York, Mick can't help but want to meet Lexa's new guardians to make sure she is safe. Expressing this worry to Ben, he chuckles and encourages her to do so.

"She deserves a safe home, Mick." Ben continues, "Just keep an eye on her. And keep her safe."

Feeling Lexa shift in her arms, Mick looks down at her in worry. Meeting Lexa's sad and tear-filled eyes, Mick frowns.

"I want you." Lexa whispers from overhearing them talk.

"What's wrong, beautiful?" Mick whispers back knowing only Ben and Cal can hear them.

"What if, I ask them if I can stay with you?" Lexa asks allowing her tears to fall.

"You don't know your guardians, Lexa. What if they can help you more than I can?" Mick wonders.

"But, I feel safe with you?" Lexa counters shyly.

"Lexa, how about this. When we get to New York, we can constantly set up playdates with Mick there? That way, if anything goes wrong, Mick will do everything she can to help, get involved and try to get you into her care. Would that work for you?" Ben questions speaking slowly and quietly so Lexa can hear and understand him.

"What if they are like my mom?" Lexa's chin quivers as more tears fall and a lot quicker than they were.

"I will step in and take you away from them." Mick promises, "I will even write down my phone number just for you."

"And I will write mine down as well for you as well." Ben agrees.

"I can't read though." Lexa frowns sadly, "Mom never let me learn or help or anything."

Before anyone could speak, the plane hits a bump, causing Lexa to gasp and Mick to immediately buckle them in while Cal, who somehow moved from next to Lexa and is now next to Ben, they are now buckled in.

In that time period, Mick looks at Lexa who is watching the night sky in fear.

"Hang on, Lexa." Mick orders gently while holding onto her armrests at the same time Lexa does the same. In front of their very eyes, the plane's lights flicker before going out. As the plane does a slow decent to whatever land or water they are flying over, Mick keeps her eyes on Lexa. Noticing a bright light, Lexa can't remove her eyes from it as it shines brighter then disappears completely all within seconds.

Briefly seeing the light, Mick automatically assumes it was lightning or another plane. As the masks fall from the ceiling, Mick puts one on Lexa before putting the other on herself to help them breathe. Feeling Lexa grab her right hand, Mick holds Lexa's hand.

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