♔ compromise ♔

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"I am not wearing that," Jameson murmured, fixing me with a solid gaze.

"Yes, you are." Even though he had yet to put on an undershirt, I tossed him his suit coat.

My husband did, indeed, catch it. However, he opened the window the moment he had it in his fist. Glaring, I marched toward him. We may have only been married three weeks, but I knew him well enough to know he would drop it from the sixth story window of our luxury hotel.

Alisa had insisted Jameson attend the gala tonight. Partially, yes, because we'd just gotten married. But more so because the reporters loved to capture romantic drama. And the more attention we got, the more support was raised for charity.

The world was twisted that way.

"I refuse to wear something so formal," Jameson was saying, still dangling the suit coat I'd had tailored specifically for him out the window.

It even matched the snug, form-fitting blue dress I had yet to put on. It was laying, uninhabited, on the hotel room bed we'd shared last night.

When I neared my husband, he said, "I'll drop it."

"You could," I agreed, "but you won't."

"Why not?" He quirked an inquisitive brow.

"Because I won't wear this," I said, retrieving my dress from our temporary bed, "unless you wear that." I gestured toward his suit coat.

Jameson lowered his arm from the window, but didn't close it. "I can't believe you're taking Alisa's side and not mine."

"I can't believe you would rather toss a four hundred dollar suit out the window than see me in this dress."

Jameson sighed. Dropped the suit coat on the bed. "I hate dressing up," he murmured.

"But you don't hate me."

A smirk curled on his lips. "Far from it, heiress."

"What exactly does far from it mean?"

Jameson's lips succumbed to a grin. He caught my waist, as he often did, and backed me up to the wall. "A certain fondness," he murmured, lips nearly touching mine. "I might even call it love."

"Love? You?"

Jameson was smiling as he kissed me. "Yes. Me. In love with you."

"Love means compromise." I nudged my head toward the blue dress I knew he was dying to see me in. "If I wear that, you have to wear the suit coat."

Jameson kissed the hollow of my throat. "Alright."

"You'll wear it?"

"Just for you."

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