Chapter 2

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Three days later, I walked through the marketplace. With the money I stole from the Crow Club, I was able to buy a bag along with a new hood. Now instead of wearing a multitude of poorly sewed together scarves, this hood would make me look the part I was playing.

I get distracted by a gambling game that was set up poorly. Almost like they were ready to run the moment the Stadwatch showed up.

As the game went on, it was clear who was going to lose. They kept picking the wrong color, even though it was fairly obvious what was going to be picked next.

As the last round finished, he realized he had lost all his money. His face reddens as his hands flip the board. The game master and him exchange words. People turned to look at the noise.

As much as the interaction sounded and looked entertaining, I had food to collect. The baker runs out of the good bread quickly and I don't want to be stuck with a week's old batch for the third time.

I walk up to the baker's cart. His items for sale laid out nicely. A couple patisseries, sour dough, cake, and some cookies.

"One loaf of bread, please," I say.
The baker nods, grabbing a loaf and wrapping it for me. "Six Kruge."

I reach into my pocket, pulling out the small amount of Kruge I stole from the Crow Club. I didn't dare carry around all of it the past couple days. Deciding that if I spent 50 Kruge a day, I would be able to buy weeks worth of food and part of next week. Plus having a little extra for other needed items. 

"Here," I state, handing the six Kruge to the baker. He hands me my bread.

Walking through the crowd, a tingling feeling crawls up my spine. A feeling reserved for being watched. I didn't stop to look around, that would only alert the person that I knew they were around. 

Instead, I walk up to an apple stand. I could stop there and look around the area inconspicuously.

The woman at the stand smiles at me. I smile back.

"How much?" I ask her.

"That will be two Kruge," she said sweetly.

Reaching for my back, I take the opportunity to look around. My hands digging around in the bag gave me the perfect cover. Whoever looks at me will see someone looking for Kruge to pay this sweet woman.

There was no one suspicious.

I hand her the money before picking up an apple from her stand. The woman gave me a smile, a very different action then the others around her.

"Thank you," I said.

I walk through the crowd once again, placing the apple I just bought into my bag. The feeling of being watched is still present. Someone was definitely following me.

Taking the next turn, I walk a couple paces before turning around. There wasn't anyone behind me, no one watching from the rooftops.

I continued on. The person following me hid the fact better than most. I need to lose this person. My heart is racing slightly.

Emerging into the crowds, I scan the place for an easy getaway. Further down the street, there was a cart selling fabrics. Something that is easily flammable. 

I walk towards the cart, my head down.

When I was close to the cart, I lit a small flame in the palm of my hand. The moment I'm about to pass by, I tap the end of blue fabric hanging off the cart next to me. In the blink of an eye, the cart erupts in flames. People run from the blaze, some screaming in fear.

I use this distraction to my advantage, slipping away in the chaos. Whoever following me would be confused once everyone calms and notices I have fled.

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