"In what way?" asked Harry, rubbing his scar absently. 

"You dug the grave."

"So?" Griphook did not answer. "Griphook, I need to ask"

"You also rescued a goblin." 


"You brought me here. Saved me." 

"Well, I take it you're not sorry?" Harry said a little impatiently.

"No, Harry Potter," Griphook said, and with one finger he twisted the thin black beard upon his chin, "but you are a very odd wizard."

"Nah you're just odd in general Harold" Rory sends him a small smirk.

"Thank's Aurora" He smiles back.

"Right," said Harry. "Well, I need some help, Griphook, and you can give it to me." The goblin made no sign of encouragement, but continued to frown at Harry as though he had never seen anything like him. "I need to break into a Gringotts vault." Ron and Hermione were staring at Harry as though he had gone mad.

"Harry" Hermione said, but she was cut off by Griphook. 

"Break into a Gringotts vault?" repeated the goblin, wincing a little as he shifted his position upon the bed. "It is impossible."

"No, it isn't," Ron contradicted him. "It's been done."
"Yeah," Harry said. "The same day I first met you, Griphook. My birthday, seven years ago."

"The vault in question was empty at the time," snapped the goblin, and Harry understood that even though Griphook had left Gringotts, he was offended at the idea of its defences being breached. "Its protection was minimal."

"Well, the vault we need to get into isn't empty, and I'm guessing its protection will be pretty powerful," Harry said. "It belongs to the Lestranges."

"You broke into our vault" One of the Lestrange brothers says looking at them shocked. Harry just nervously scratches the back of his neck.

"You have no chance," Griphook said flatly. "No chance at all. If you seek beneath our floors, a treasure that was never yours"

"Thief, you have been warned, beware yeah, I know, I remember," Harry said. "But I'm not trying to get myself any treasure, I'm not trying to take anything for personal gain. Can you believe that?" The goblin looked slantwise at Harry.

"If there was a wizard of whom I would believe that they did not seek personal gain,"  Griphook said finally, "it would be you, Harry Potter. Goblins and elves are not used to the protection or the respect that you have shown this night. Not from wand-carriers."

"Wand-carriers," repeated Harry.

"The right to carry a wand," the goblin said quietly, "has long been contested between wizards and goblins." 

"Well, goblins can do magic without wands," Ron said. 

"That is immaterial! Wizards refuse to share the secrets of wandlore with other magical beings, they deny us the possibility of extending our powers!"

"Well, goblins won't share any of their magic either," Ron said. 

"You won't tell us how to make swords and armour the way you do. Goblins know how to work metal in a way wizards have never"

Change the FutureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora