CHAPTER TWENTY - An Unexpected Mayhem

Start from the beginning

As practice, he left the factory later than all the others, especially on days when they had more oil to produce.

Last night, he had been having desert with Umamah when he received a call. One of the pipes at the lower power house had exploded. Thankfully, there was the automatic extinguisher which sprout water over the place in time to save it from spreading across the factory. So the higher accident was prevented.

But sadly, 46 years old  Mr. Farhan who had been making his final rounds had been locked in that section once the alarm had gone off, thereby suffering the consequences.

The media had not made it any easier as they tried to push all dirt and dust on FLNG and FIH. But Faisal couldn't care less at the moment about the companies' reputation. A loyal and elderly staff had died, due to the companies' negligence and he was certainly going to take full responsibilities for that.

His phone began to ring. It hadn't stopped ringing since last night. The investors and shareholders wouldn't stop.

Of course, when things of this nature happened, they wanted to pull out before it got worse.

He turned his phone over on the seat, so that he doesn't see the screen anymore.

Soon, he arrived at the late man's house.

Faisal made it compulsory to know his staffs to their residences.

He gave the tasleem and the sight that greeted him when the door opened was heartbreaking.

A ten years old boy holding an infant, probably less than 6months stood there, staring up at him.

The boy's gazes became uncomfortable when he didn't give Faisal any tasleem. He probably knew who he was.

Faisal bent towards the boy. "Assalamaam'alykum young champ. Are Mom and Uncle Ridwaan home?"

Ridwaan was the deceased's only brother and the one who had been interviewed by Channels Tv on site.

The boy hesitated for a while and then answered.

"Yes. Mom said you will come. Uncle Ridwaan said you wouldn't."

Faisal's heart almost sank at that. Mrs. Faakiha had been expecting him. She still had faith in him.

"Let's... Let's go in, then?"

The boy held out his hand.

"Just wait a minute. I have to inform her, first."

"Of course Champ."


Faisal sat opposite Uncle Ridwaan and Umm Roudah,

"My son said you had something to say to me." The woman asked

Yes, but suddenly, he couldn't find his voice. How does one explain their deficiencies to a woman who was so broken, it was evident in her face and words?"

"I am here to apologize." He began, but the woman cut him off.

"For what? What's gone is gone." Her voice was strained, worn-out from a night of crying.

She was a strong woman for she didn't bat an eyelid as the lines dropped from her lips.

"I am sorry we tried to bribe you, as well."

He had to apologize as well.

"Ehem!" The Uncle said, clapping his hands together.

"What do you think you want from us, Mr. Boss?"

The sacarstic way he said "Mr. Boss," did not go unnoticed."

Faisal took a deep breath and began,

"I am not here to apologize for what happened to Mr. Farhan, although it was holistically our fault, because I understand that no amount of apologies would bring back your husband and brother.

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