In response, Devin said, "I know everything about you, child. From the day you were born to the moment you perished- I know it all, and know it all well."

"Ooookay..." Anthony said a little freaked. "I'll buy the part about you knowing everything about me but, um, I'm dead. How in the world can you be talking to me? How can you even see me?"

"Alas, I am a man of many wonders," said Devin, with a devilish smile . "Of those wonders is being able to see and talk to you."

Anthony decided that he had had enough of this and turned to walk away. And before he could take two steps, he felt Devin's hand grab him by the shoulder.

"If this is a scam," Devin said softly, "then how is it that I'm able to touch you?"

Half of Anthony believed that this stranger was the real deal on the spot. "Who are you?" he asked again in utter surprise.

He completely turned around to face Devin, part of him still in disbelief, still trying to wrap his head around all of this. And with a smile, Devin spoke:

"As stated before, I am a man of many wonders. I can do marvelous and even miraculous things with ease using my 'special powers'."

Devin turned away from Anthony and said over his shoulder:

"I can even reunite you with your love."

"W- What!?" Anthony exclaimed.

Devin turned around and continued with the same smile:

"Just can't stop thinking about her, eh son? Even in death you long for her, this Mariah. She is truly the love of your young life, yes?"

Anthony dropped his head and answered, "Yes."

"Poor child, no fifteen year old boy should be torn away from his first love," Devin said. "So, what if I could reunite the two of you? What if I was to tell you that I could bring you back to life?"

"I'd say you're lying and wasting my time!" Anthony shot back.

As far as he knew there was no way he could bring a dead man back to life. He felt like cursing himself for getting his hopes up. And so, once again, he turned to walk away when he heard Devin say:

"Come here, little fellow. Come to me, my pet."

Anthony turned around to find that a raccoon was headed towards Devin. It was the biggest raccoon he had ever seen and, strangely, it was coming without the slightest hesitation. Devin signaled for the raccoon to stop a few inches away and then he signaled for Anthony to come.

"I want you to bear witness to this, boy," Devin told him.

He raised his hand and put his fingers together in a snapping position. Anthony looked at Devin, looked at the raccoon, and then back at the Devin. Unexpectedly, Devin snapped his fingers and the raccoon instantly burst into flames. Horrified at what just took place, Anthony could only gasp. Never before had he felt so sorry for any animal in his life.

"Now watch carefully."

Devin bent down and picked up the bones of the incinerated creature and set it atop of a dumpster. He blew it and the skeleton sprung back to life. In mere seconds, the raccoon was whole once again, flesh and all; it was as though nothing happened. The fuzzy animal immediately scurried back into the darkness from which it came.

Anthony, still in awe of what he saw, had not one word to say. He narrowed his eyes and raised his right eyebrow. When he finally found the strength, he said:

"I'm listening."

"You, my friend, can be just like that lucky little raccoon," Devin told him. "I can make that happen for you- just like that. Then you can see your precious Mariah. And think about your mother, and your sister- could you honestly leave them behind with that dangerous man when you have the chance to live?

"You have always had a control of your own destiny, you just never realized it- why does now have to be any different? I'm offering you an opportunity for a second chance- a new beginning. A chance to make some important changes and do great things- but that's only if you want it. But, since you don't, I'll leave you be. May you have a happy trip into the afterlife."

With that, he turned and began to slowly walk away.

"Wait!" Anthony called, desperately. "Mr. Lucid, sir, wait- please wait! I'll do it! I'll do anything to see them again. Please..."

"Alright," Devin answered, grinning. He turned around and walked up to Anthony. He took him by the shoulder the way Travis had done earlier that day and, together, they began to walk slowly.

"Here's the deal, Mr. Price, I'll revive you as I said- but at a cost."

"I'm listening," Anthony repeated, and Devin continued:

"I'll push back the sands of time for three months- only three months. Within that time you need to man up and confess to your lady about how you really feel about her. Not only that, but she must also express mutual feelings for you.

"If you can accomplish these tasks before the end of the next three months I shall grant you both ninety additional years of life. However, failure to accomplish these tasks will cost you to spend like an eternity working for me to pay off this little debt. So, do we have a deal?"

Anthony thought about it at first. It sounded like a very good offer but now he was beginning to doubt, again, whether or not this was real. True enough, he was sure that he could tell Mariah he loves her and get her to love him back- but how? But, not willing to let a chance like this slip away, Anthony smiled and said:

"You've got yourself a deal, Mr. Lucid!"

"Excellent!" said Devin. He stretched forth his hand and, out of nowhere, a piece of parchment and a pen suddenly appeared, hovering in midair. "This is a binding contract between you and me," Devin explained. "It's just proof that you agree to the terms. You just sign this, we shake hands, and you, sir, are a living and breathing human being again."

Without a moment's hesitation, Anthony took the pen and signed his name on the appointed line. The contract and pen vanished and the two shook hands.

Anthony felt a sudden rush flow over him the moment he shook hands with Devin. The wind shifted and twirled all about, making him feel like he was in the middle of a cyclone. All of a sudden he could feel a great deal of warmth engulf him, he felt his heartbeat, and suddenly felt heavier than he did moments before. Everything started to go black and, as things got darker and darker he could hear sirens. There were sirens...... then darkness...... the sirens started to quiet down...... more darkness came...... he suddenly felt the biggest, most refreshing breath he had ever taken and then, blackout..........  

**Author's Note: Dr. Facilier from "The Princess and the Frog", (the character in the picture) was my inspiration for Devin.

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