Along Came the Average Guy

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Who am I? Are you sure you want to know? The story is not for the faint of heart.If somebody told you it was a happy tale, if somebody said I was just your Average guy, not a care in the world... somebody lied.

Hello my name is Hito-Hito Tadano and I am the one and only Spider-Man. I was bitten by a radioactive spider while on a trip from Itan High to a chemistry lab in Tokyo. The next several days I learned that I had amazing powers. I used these to help others in need, I could do so much more with this power but One day I got greedy and went to a wrestling match to earn some cash for my parents. My father told me that "with great power there must always come great responsibility." He passed away because I let someone get away, telling myself that it wasn't my problem,I could have ended the man but my dad wouldn't have wanted that so I let him go, to this day, I live by this code and I use my powers for good.

If I were to tell anyone about my identity, they would be in a lot of danger! Nobody can know, not my mother, sister or girlfriend! For now I need to be as normal and as Average as possible!

Monday, October 23rd

Dammit I have a lot of work to catch up on, I have 2 tests today and 3 HW assignments tomorrow! This week I'm really gonna turn up the Hito brain and hopefully the ol' doctor or goblin won't try anything. This week I have too much on my mind!

As he had these thoughts, Tadano's senses went haywire and he thought he was being attacked at school! He quickly looked behind him, quickly grabbing the arm... only to find his gf Shouko/Komi-san trying to touch his shoulder. :D

Tadano:Oh, I'm so sorry Shouko-san! D:

Shouko was more impressed that he actually caught her hand and a little shocked since he looked like a zombie just waddling around with the biggest bags under his eyes

Komi-san: (quietly) Are you ok? You look like you haven't slept well the past few days...

Tadano: Oh yeah... Yeah, I've just been really stressed with these tests and the homework. But after this week there won't be any tests for a couple of months.

Komi-san: (Quietly) W-would you like to study at my... house today?

Tadano: Oh yea I would love to whe-(Tv volume is turned up)

JJJ: We interrupt this broadcast to view the menace that is the Emissary of Hell: Spider-MAN! In action or as I would say the menace of Japan!

Tadano*quiet sigh* Why do they make that guy seem like a horrible human being! He seems nice but I don't think I would call him a monster.

Komi: (notebook) I think he is really cool!

Tadano: Oh really!? Why do you say that?

Komi: (notebook) He rescues people and does amazing things to protect our city!

Tadano: Yeah I guess he does do a lot of things for the city...(but sometimes he might hurt those he's close to...)

Komi: (speaking) Do you have time today?To study with me?

Tadano: Oh that's right ! Uh yea if I can I will definitely do it!

Komi: A-are you sure... you can... *with some slight anger to her voice*

Tadano: What do you mean?

Komi: I'm saying this are always late a-or you never show up...

Tadano: ...Yeah I know but today I promise to go!

Komi: Promise?

Tadano:*Peck on the cheek* Promise 

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