Gianna turned back to Amit who enveloped her in conversation again. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Ominis turn slightly. He looked down and focused as if listening to their conversation.

Gianna met Ominis and Sebastian in the bell tower courtyard when classes ended around 2:00. Ominis lay against the courtyard wall with his arms and his legs crossed. When he heard Gianna coming his face contorted into a soft smile but like he remembered he should be upset about something it shifted back into a stern look.

"You weren't at Breakfast. Don't tell me you skipped again." He muttered to her under his breath. Although irritated Gianna could tell Ominis did not want to mention this personal piece of information to Sebastian who had obviously been distracted and just noticed them there.  "I wasn't skipping I promise. Just had my first good nights rest in awhile." Gianna promised and this seemed to calm Ominis who adjusted his posture and nodded in response.

The conversation thankfully ended just as Sebastian walked up. "Alright you two. Ready for the trip to Feldcroft?" Sebastian grinned toothfully. Ominis and Gianna parted and Gianna turned to face Sebastian. "Of course. I can't wait to meet Anne." Sebastian eyebrows raised with a gleeful smile at the thought of seeing his sister again. "She's a hoot Anne is. She's my rock. I tell her EVERYTHING." Sebastian explained motioning his hands to stress the word everything.

"Really Sebastian?" Ominis teased. "Even about Violet?" Ominis questioned and they both snickered. Sebastian took out his wand teasingly at Ominis. "Don't make me Hex you Ominis. No one speaks a word." He pressured and Ominis threw up his hands with a cocky smirk plastered on his face. "Of course Sebastian." The blonde boy said with an unconvincing tone. "Not a word."

The trip via Floo powder was so convenient Gianna had thought when they arrived swiftly in Feldcroft.
The trip to the villa was definitely more than a hop, skip, and a jump away. Gianna remembered how long the distance was traveling with Fig.

"Home sweet home." Sebastian rolled out his arm span to gesture to the cozy hamlet. "It's seen better days. Ever since Goblins have set up camp the town has been a bit on edge." He explained filling in the gaps for both Ominis and Gianna.

He motioned for Gianna and Ominis to follow. As he walked ahead Gianna noticed Ominis did not use his wand to guide him as he walked. Almost as if he could follow simply by memory; Gianna wondered how many times Ominis had been here. It took a bit of walk to make it to the Sallow family home through a bit of thicket and some muddy cobblestones until they reached a cream colored wooden door. Sebastian pushed it open and greeted Anne with a warm embrace. "Sebastian!" Anne cooed. "You're back!" She noticed Ominis too. "And you've brought Ominis!" Anne went over and brought him in for a hug which Ominis seemed to lean into.

Anne's eyes turned to Gianna who's hands were folded over her lap as she stood somewhat awkwardly chewing on the inside of her lip. "This is Gianna a fellow Slytherin." Sebastian said. "Figured you needed more female company." Sebastian teased and Anne met him with a soft punch in the forearm. "Yes! How lovely to meet you!" Anne cried covering Gianna in a surprisingly tight embrace. Gianna was a bit shocked by her friendliness but managed to hug back. 

Sebastian's Uncle Solomon emerged suddenly aswell. Offering Gianna a quick and busied 'hello' and a 'good to see you again' towards Ominis. He disappeared soon after that to cook dinner. Gianna wondered where the Sallow family friendliness and charm fell deft on him given that Anne and Sebastian were very outgoing and friendly.

Sebastian pulled Anne aside and took out a strange plant from his pocket. "Is that what I think it is?" Anne took out her hands to reach for it when her Uncle appeared over her shoulder and snatched it. He crushed it between his palms and lectured Sebastian for it claiming it couldn't save Anne leaving Sebastian looking very distraught and very hurt. Anne had a painful spell that silenced their futile arguing and Sebastian left taking a moment to himself.

"I'll go talk to him." Ominis told Gianna who nodded. "Probably a good idea." She replied and as Ominis turned away she met Anne sitting on the table clutching her stomach in pain. "Let me get you a washcloth." Gianna offered removing a handkerchief from her pocket and dampening it in a basin she filled from the sink. Gianna walked back over and pressed it to Anne's face. Her cheeks, her forehead and then her neck. "Thank you." Anne smiled. "You really are very kind. I've heard great things about you." Anne complimented her.

There was a pause. Anne's pained expression softened and she thought for a moment. Her face becoming briefly mischievous. "Ominis talks about you a lot." Anne giggled. "I can see why you're rather beautiful." Anne compliments further as Gianna wet the cloth again. Gianna pressed the damp handkerchief to the back of her neck and wrapped it around. "Me? No Anne. You're gorgeous. I love your hair." Gianna said which caused the brunette girl to blush. "Oh no. I hate it. I can't do anything with it so I merely throw it up in a bun." Anne refused. Gianna had a bright idea. "Can I braid it? I love to braid and my hair simply isn't this long." Gianna explained illicting a glow in her counterpart's eyes. "Really? Absolutely! Please!" Anne practically gushed over the fast friendship she had begun with Gianna. Feldcroft had become a bit lonely and she found it impossible to make new friends since she often had to rest.

Gianna undid Anne's hair from her bun and let it fall to her sides. She separated her hair into three sections and brushed her hair gently as not to hurt the poor girl's scalp. "So." Gianna started deciding to abandon all loyalty to Sebastian. "Tell me about Violet McDowell." Gianna smirked knowing if Sebastian overheard anything he would kill her for bring it up. "Violet? Oh! She's an old friend. She used to hang out with Ominis, Sebastian, and I when I went to hogwarts. She was my best friend." Anne explained. "She's wonderful. We haven't talked much since I've been home but we owl sometimes. " Anne paused. "Why do you ask?" Anne prodded.

"She's my potions partner." Gianna lied. "She's mentioned you a couple times." Gianna felt bad for lying about this because this fact seemed to brighten Anne's mood even further. "Really? Oh that's wonderful. I really do miss her.." Anne's face falls for a moment before it's picked up again. Gianna loops sections of her strands together tightening and pulling them together as she goes. "I really do miss Hogwarts." Anne admits and she trails off obviously wanting to change the subject.

Gianna finishes the braid just as Sebastian and Ominis walk in. Sebastian brightens at seeing Anne's delighted expression at Gianna's work. He mouths a thank you and walks over to Anne as Gianna does Ominis.

"Glad you managed to talk him down." Gianna mentions to Ominis. "He seemed pretty upset." She frowned. "He is. He seems convinced he can cure Anne despite's his Uncle's insistence." Ominis explains. "Was that plant.. the one Sebastian brought .. one to cure Anne?" Gianna asked Ominis who sighed. "I'm sure it was a Shrivelfig. Sebastian thinks it could cure her. I'm sure he's tried everything at this point." Ominis's eyes shift from the side down to the floor.

"It's sad to see them both like this. She used to be so lively and energetic. And Sebastian well-won't go on living another day until he finds a cure." Ominis states plainly. He shifts again eyes drifting off to the side. He seems to contemplate wether or not he should continue. "This has been my home since first year. I know this place like the back of my hand. I often will stay here for Summers at a time and I just can't bear how in pain they both are." Ominis turns his posture as if to conceal himself from her.
"My home life is far from pleasant. So Feldcroft is really where I belong." He mutters lowering his voice the more he shares.

Gianna finds herself walking towards him and hugging him before she can stop herself. It seemed like a good moment to console him and Ominis looks uncomfortable by her touch his eyebrows raised and eyelids wide. Gianna notices his heartbeat quickening and he finally moves in a slow and steady motion to reciprocate it.

The embrace ends and their eyes and their fingertips linger on the others for a bit before pulling away. From the corner Sebastian and Anne watch their encounter a knowing twin telepathic look in their eyes as they exchange glances.

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