Part Of Me

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This one is sad guys

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This one is sad guys.
(João's POV)

"For Y/n Felix?" I immediately stand on my feet. The nurse looks at me with pity. "Sir, she's not doing so good."

I look at her with some hope. "She made it out alive?" She nods. "Can I see her?" She nods once again.

"Yes, you can. She is however asleep at the moment." She smiles in a comfort manner. I nod my head and let her lead the way to Y/n's room.

"Here it is. I'll leave you alone. Please call us over if anything happens." I smile gently at her and enter the room quietly.

There she laid. She laid in peace, not a worry in her mind. I grab a chair and sit next to her, holding her hand in mine. "Wake up for me, love."

I didn't say anything for a few minutes. I just sat in complete silence, hoping that she would wake up. A few more minutes passed and a felt a small squeeze in my hand. I instantly look up and see Y/n looking at me with gloomy eyes.

"You're dying without me." She smiles weakly. I laugh at her poor joke, even though she's in pain she always finds a way to squeeze in a joke.

"What happened to you?" I ask her curiously.

I had gotten home this morning and the first thing I see was Y/n on the ground passed out. Luckily for me she was still breathing and she made it to the hospital on time. I wasn't sure what happened to her exactly but I did know she had gotten a heart attack. And recently, these have been happening a lot.

"It's getting worse João. I need a new heart." She places her hand on my cheek and smiles at me.

"Let me give you mine." I choke out. "I'll stop you're suffering. Y/n, if you leave me, a part of me will go with you."

"I'm not letting that happen, João." Her tears start to flow silently. "We both know you need a stronger heart. I'll just wait for the opportunity to arrive for me." She smiles reassuringly.

My tears began to fall. "How long will that take? It's been over a year and I don't know how many days you have left to live. It can be any day now and I'm not ready for it."

"We're never prepared for this stuff my love. Everything will be alright." She smiled, "And if I don't make it."

"Don't say that." I choke on my words.

"João, if I don't make it promise me you'll move on and you will look under our bed when you get home." She stared into my eyes hopelessly. I nod my head from side to side. "João. Promise me." She stuck her pinky out. I only stare at it.

"I promise." I sniff and interlock my finger with hers. "Get some sleep." I kiss her forehead and lay next to her. Y/n moves aside to make some space for me.

Y/n had fallen fast asleep and all I could hear was the machine beeping on and off, signaling Y/n's heart was still beating.

Suddenly I just hear a beep, it didn't go on and off. My heart stopped as my eyes opened wide.

I just lost the love of my life.

(559 Words)
Part 2? Let me know! And sorry I haven't been updating, I haven't had much ideas but I got some now. Please vote! Thank you!

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