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I woke up as usual and sat straight on my bed.Suddenly,I remembered about yesterday.By just thinking of it I felt moody and I never had this kind of morning to start my life.I asked myself again about the marriage.If I don't agree with the marriage,my parents will be sad about this especially my mom.If I agree,I would live the unhappiest life ever in my life together with that rude jerk.Am I destined to live this way?I ruffled my hair and stood up.

I walked to my bathroom and did my daily routine.I went down after I put on my clothes."Morning,Ah Ra."greeted my dad."Morning,dad."I greeted back and sat infront of him."So,did you agree on that wedding?"asked my dad."I don't know."I shook my head."I hope you'll make your decisions soon."my dad said."Should I agree or not?"I asked out of the blue."Well,it depends on you,Ah Ra.You make your own decision."dad said calmly."Where's mom and unnie?"I asked."They went out to meet Mrs Jeon I think."he said as he sipped his coffee.

"Aren't you going anywhere today?"asked my dad."I'll just stay at home since it's Saturday.What about you,dad?"I asked." too.I'm tired from my should take your time to decide."he advised."Okay dad.I'll rest near the pool and if you want to you can join me."I stood up and walked outside.I took my seat on the long wooden chair near the pool and rested.Should I or should not?I'm afraid if I might hurt both my mom's and Mrs Jeon's feelings.Suddenly,I felt water being splashed on my face."Yah!Yah!"I scolded to whoever that splashed the water."Day dreaming again!I called you for 3 times but you didn't respond."unnie nagged."I'm sorry.I was thinking of something."I answered."You must be thinking about the marriage.Mom and I met Jungkook and his mom this morning and surprisingly,he accepted it so what's your decision now?"she explained.

What?He accepted it?Why?Isn't he suppose to be against this marriage too?
I froze on my seat and my unnie waved her hand infront of my face."You better make it fast.Your wedding is next week."she said and left.I'm still thinking of an answer but the wedding will be held next week..I sighed and I think I have made my decision."That's it.I'll marry him..even if I have to sacrifice my happiness after this."I said to myself.I walked into my house and saw everyone sat in the living room.

"Since all of you are here,I'll tell my answer now."I announced and sat down on the sofa."Okay..what's your answer?"my dad spoke."I'll agree on it."I said my answer."Good..I'll call Mrs Jeon later and you know,Jungkook accepted the marriage too right?"mom said."Yes..unnie told me earlier."I nodded my head."I'll go to my room now.."I said and they nodded their heads.I entered my room and sat on my bed.Decision has been made and I only hope the best for us..even I know world war 3 is going to happen starting from next week


Married to JungkookOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz