Fulfilling a Deal

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Once back Franny immediately begins listing off injuries and illnesses as she checks the group.

"No. No, no, I'm fine. I feel fine. In fact better than I've felt in a long time." Lewis says.

"Yeah. We're all okay." Alexis says.

"Franny they're gone! Oh this is terrible!" A voice shouts from inside the garage.

"Oh boy..." Franny says.

"Well he's home early!" Bud says.

"Franny where are you?! The Time Machines are gone! Oh oh! Mm-hmm." Cornelius says as he runs outside and looks at everyone and sees Lewis before Wilbur tries to walk away only for Franny to grab him and pull him back.

"Ratted out by the old lady. Harsh." Lewis says annoyedly.


"So long!" The group shouts as everyone is saying their goodbyes to Lewis before Alexis and Wilbur go over.

"Excuse me. Time travel now. Questions later." Wilbur says.

"Yeah.. Time to go." Alexis says.

"But I..." Lewis says sadly.

"Don't worry. Just get back to that science fair and we'll see you real soon." Lucille says.

"Oh right. Right okay. I will. Bye!" Lewis says as everyone finishes up their goodbyes while Alexis and Wilbur get in the time machine.

"Lewis come on!" Alexis shouts as Wilbur honks the horn.

"All right. I'm coming." Lewis says as he runs over and gets in the machine.

"Well it's not like you're never gonna see them again. They are your family after all." Wilbur says before the group goes through time and arrives in the past on a rainy night.

"Wait a minute. You're supposed to take me back to the science fair." Lewis says in confusion.

"I know." Wilbur says.

"Well I think you punched in the wrong numbers." Lewis says.

"We agreed that if you fixed the time machine I'd take you back to see your mom." Wilbur says as Alexis smiles happily.

"What?" Lewis asks in shock.

"A deal's a deal. Now go on." Alexis says as the group lands before she and Wilbur watch Lewis before seeing he lets his mother leave him at the orphanage.

"I don't get it. Why'd you just let her go?" Wilbur asks as Lewis comes over.

"Because I already have a family." Lewis says.


"I never thought my dad would be my second best friend. Now, now. Don't make me come and bail you out again." Wilbur says as he and Alexis are dropping Lewis off in his correct timeline.

"I won't." Lewis says.

"Remember I've got a time machine. If you mess up again I'll just keep coming back till you get it right. Alexis and I both." Wilbur says as Alexis smiles at him.

"You got that motto?" Alexis asks.

"I got it." Lewis says.

"Don't forget it." Wilbur says.

"I don't think that's possible." Lewis says.

"You better get going." Alexis says.

"See you later Wilbur." Lewis says as he runs off.

"I think it's time we get back home too." Alexis says.

"Me too. By the way before I vanished I heard you say something." Wilbur says as Alexis gives a nervous look.

"You did? What?" Alexis asks nervously.

"You said something about regretting never saying anything." Wilbur says as Alexis blushes.

"Oh uh!.. That was just vanishing away talk." Alexis says nervously.

"Vanishing away talk huh? Or could it be that you like me?" Wilbur asks as he smirks.

"What gave it away?" Alexis asks nervously.

"Come on Alexis. You're my best friend. I kinda always knew I just wasn't entirely certain if I was just fooling myself or if it was real." Wilbur says shyly.

"Wait. Wilbur do you care for me too?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Well ya. Why do you think I always drag you into things with me? It's because no matter what I face I want to face it with you. So what do you say? Wanna be my girlfriend?" Wilbur asks nervously.

"Do you even have to ask?" Alexis ask as she smiles and kisses Wilbur.

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