The Truth

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"Ladies and gentlemen dinner is served. Dinner is served." Carl says as the group sits at the table as mini versions of him give out plates of spaghetti while the group talks to one and other.

"So we're gonna get back to fixing you know what after dinner. Right?" Alexis whispers as she looks at Wilbur.

"Yeah. Long as things continue smoothly like they have." Wilbur whispers as Alexis nods.

"We gotta talk." Carl says as he, Alexis, and Wilbur get under the table.

"What do you need Carl?" Alexis asks.

"What do you think? Why is the kid still here? Any of this ring a bell? Science fair, Memory Scanner, a time stream that needs fixing?" Carl asks.

"Temporary setback. He's just having a little confidence issue." Wilbur says.

"You want me to talk to him?" Carl asks.

"No." Wilbur says.

"I give a mean back rub." Carl says.

"No." Wilbur says.

"Shiatsu?" Carl asks.

"No." Wilbur says.

"Feng shui." Carl asks.

"No. It'll be fine Carl." Alexis says.

"I've got it under control." Wilbur says as he and Alexis go back to their seats.

"So Lewis are you in Wilbur or Alexis's class?" Franny asks as she looks at Lewis.

"No." Lewis says.

"Yes." Wilbur says.

"Yes." Lewis says.

"No." Wilbur says as Alexis looks at him and Lewis.

"It's sort of a yes and no answer. Lewis is a transfer student." Alexis says as she looks at both boys.

"Yeah." Lewis says nervously.

"Where are you from Lewis?" Gaston asks.

"Canada?" Lewis asks.

"I think you mean North Montana. Hasn't been called Canada in years." Tallulah says as she sits beside Lewis.

"Do you know Sam Gundersen?" Lucille asks as Lewis looks at Wilbur.

"It's a big country." Lewis says.

"State." Tallulah says as the family continues to question Lewis before suggesting to take his hat off.

"He can't because he's got bad hat-hair." Wilbur says nervously.

"Oh nonsense. A North Montana man doesn't care about hat-hair." Uncle Art says as Alexis gives a nervous look.

"All right everyone. Hold your horses. Lewis do you mind? I'm afraid this isn't gonna stop otherwise." Franny says as Wilbur and Alexis both give nervous looks before Wilbur throws food causing a food fight between Franny and Gaston.

"Is dinner like this every night?" Lewis asks.

"No. Yesterday we had meatloaf." Uncle Art says as Carl comes over.

"Okay gang. Time for the second course. And what goes better with meatballs than P.B. and J?" Carl says as he tosses the group some toast before appearing to have difficulty with the machine.

"Is everything all right?" Franny asks concernedly.

"We're just experiencing bugs." Carl says before Alexis sees Wilbur pull Lewis up to beside Carl.

"My friend Lewis is an inventor. He can fix it." Wilbur says much to Lewis's discomfort before the the others encourage him to try as he reluctantly gives in.

Time Heals All Wounds Meet The Robinsons Wilbur X OC AlexisDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora