Year of 2037

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As Alexis and Wilbur find Lewis the two then continuously throw a paper drawing of his invention back at him.

"Hey what are you doing up here? Would you quit that please? I know you're not a pigeon." Lewis says annoyedly as Wilbur makes pigeon noises.

"You're blowing my cover." Wilbur says as he shushes the boy.

"We're the only ones up here." Alexis says as she looks at Wilbur.

"That's just what they want you to think. Now enough moping. Take this back to the science fair and fix that Memory Scanner." Wilbur says as he pushes Lewis along.

"Stop! Stop! Get away from me!" Lewis says annoyedly.

"Maybe you've forgotten. We're time cops from the future and should be taken very seriously." Wilbur says as he shows a badge only for the kid to take it from him.

"That's no badge. This is a coupon for a tanning salon! You're a fake." Lewis says annoyedly.

"Come on Wilbur. The kid knows." Alexis says as she looks at Wilbur.

"Okay you got me. Were not cops but we really are from the future and there really is this Bowler Hat Guy." Wilbur says.

"Here we go again." Lewis says in disbelief.

"He stole a time machine, came to the science fair and ruined your project." Wilbur says.

"It's the truth. I saw it myself." Alexis says.

"My project didn't work because I'm no good. There is no Bowler Hat Guy, there is no time machine, and you're not from the future! You're crazy!" Lewis shouts angrily as he looks at Wilbur and Alexis.

"We are not crazy." Alexis says.

"Oh yeah Miss and Captain Time Travel? Prove it." Lewis says angrily as he grabs his backpack.

"Um..." Wilbur says nervously.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. I'm just gonna go lock myself in my room and hide under the covers for a couple years." Lewis says as he walks towards the door only for Alexis to stop him?

"If we prove to you we'r from the future, will you go back to the Science Fair like Wilbur is asking?" Alexis asks.

"Yeah sure. Whatever you say." Lewis says before Wilbur comes over.

"Good." Wilbur says as he begins pushing Lewis towards the edge.

"Hey let go of me! What are you doing?! Let go of me!" Lewis shouts as he attempts to get away from Wilbur with no luck.

"Okay." Wilbur says as he pushes Lewis off the edge before making the time machine appear under Lewis at it catches him.

"What is this? Where are we going?" Lewis asks in alarm as the group gets inside the machine.

"To the future kid. Just relax." Alexis says before Wilbur brings the group back to the future where he and Alexis are from.

"Is this proof enough for you?" Wilbur asks as Lewis looks outside at the world around them.

"Is it ever! I never thought that time travel could be possible in my lifetime and here it is. Right in front of me!" Lewis shouts excitedly.

"The truth will set you free brother." Wilbur says proudly as Alexis smiles.

"Ain't that the truth." Alexis says as she looks at Wilbur who gives a slightly nervous look.

"That's right. You can. Next stop science fair to fix your Memory Scanner." Wilbur says.

"Hey, I'm not gonna fix that stupid Memory Scanner." Lewis says as Alexis and Wilbur look at him.

"What? You said you would if we brought you to see the future and we did." Alexis says as Wilbur stops the time machine.

"Wilbur, Alexis this is a time machine! Why should I fix my dumb invention when you can take me to see my mom now in this ship? I could actually go back to that night and stop her from giving me up." Lewis says.

"The answer is not a time machine. It's this!" Wilbur says as he holds up Lewis's drawing.

"This? You want to know what I think about this?" Lewis says as he takes the drawing and tears it up.

"What are you doing?!" Alexis asks in alarm as Lewis moves up to take the wheel.

"I'm sorry. You don't know what I've lived through." Lewis says as he takes the wheel.

"Lewis no!" Wilbur shouts as he grabs Lewis causing them to begin fighting while trying to control the ship as Alexis hangs on to her seat in alarm.

"Let go!" Lewis shouts.

"You let go!" Wilbur shouts.

"You're not the boss of me!" Lewis says angrily.

"Yes I am! Cause you're 12 and we're 13! That makes us both older than you!" Wilbur says.

"Well I was born in the past which makes me older and the boss of you of you two!" Lewis shouts.

"Guys!" Alexis shouts before the time machine crashes.

"I am so dead." Wilbur says as he looks at the damaged time machine.


"I'm not allowed to look at this thing let alone drive it! Mom and Dad are gonna kill me and I can tell you this. It will not be done with mercy!" Wilbur says worriedly as he paces back and forth.

"Wilbur!" Alexis says annoyedly.

"Hey you came along with me." Wilbur says.

"Yeah because you lied to me and played the you're my best friend card!" Alexis says annoyedly.

"Isn't there like a Time Machine Repair Shop or something?" Lewis asks as Alexis and Wilbur look at him.

"No! There's only 2 Time Machines in existence and the Bowler Hat Guy has the other one!" Wilbur shouts angrily.

"Well somebody's gonna have to fix this." Lewis says as he gestures to the time machine.

"Good idea! You're smart. You fix it!" Wilbur says as he pulls Lewis over to the time machine.

"Are you crazy?! I can't fix this thing!" Lewis shouts.

"Yes you can! You broke it. You fix it!" Wilbur shouts.

"Alright under one condition. I fix it you take me back to see my Mom." Lewis asks.

"What? You didn't even follow through on our last deal! How can I trust you?!" Wilbur asks.

"Well you told me you two were Time-Cops from the future. How can I trust you?" Lewis asks.

"He has a point you know." Alexis says as Wilbur looks at her.

"Touche." Wilbur says.

"So do we have a deal?" Lewis asks before he and Wilbur shake hands.

Time Heals All Wounds Meet The Robinsons Wilbur X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now