Chapter 2

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AN - I am taking an entirely new approach to season two. Starting in this chapter.

Allison pulled herself out of the broken car while Scott slung Stiles over his shoulder.

"Ally, are you alright?" Her head was bleeding but she still looked overall ok.

"Yeah, let's get out of here. I'm pretty sure my family has something to do with this and that doesn't give me a good feeling." Scott nodded, he didn't even want to think about all the things they'd probably of done to Stiles if they hadn't gotten there when they did.

Allison pulled off the wolfsbane bonding, and they both noticed how Stiles' skin was blistered at those points.

"I need to take him to Derek..." Scott whispered. He had no love for Derek, especially after Derek lied to him, and killed Peter.

"Scott, you can't do that- you-" Scott cut her off with a sad look.

"Trust me, I really don't want to... But Stiles is his beta... and he knows how to heal from wolfsbane better than I'll even know. When Peter died, Derek took everything. His pack, and his spark. I had already cut myself off, but Stiles... Stiles is still his beta... and Lydia probably is too. I'll try to convince Derek to take care of him, then we have to find Lydia... then we have to somehow explain this to Sheriff Stilnski..." Scott let out a breath as it all came down on him.

Allison sighed, "K, I'll go talk to the Sheriff, you go talk to Derek, then we'll both go keep looking for Lydia." Scott nodded.

Going off in a jog, Stiles still on his shoulder, he got to Derek's... well, broken down train station... Derek glared at him from the darkness of the train before stepping out.

His eyes flared red as Scott set Stiles on the ground, still in a hospital gown.

Derek watched as Scott set Stiles down, and once Derek caught the scent his blood boiled. His pack- Stiles smelled like a pack member... but the wolfsbane was nearly drowning out that scent entirely.

Derek stepped from the train, watching Scott carefully. "What happened?"

"Hunters tried to take him from the hospital...they almost did..." Derek reached down, grabbing one of Stiles' arms and seeing the irritated skin that had probably come from wolfsbane.

Derek could smell a sense of urgency from Scott, he probably wanted Derek to heal Stiles, only to convince him that Derek couldn't be his Alpha, that he should be like Scott. An omega... Just being around Scott made his nose and instincts hurt. Omega's just made him feel dirty. But he knew that he needed Scott. Somehow. Maybe Stiles could be the key to getting Scott on his side the key to getting Scott to join his pack.

"Go, I'll take care of him," Derek said simply, standing up to see Scott's concerned gaze.

"But I didn't-"

"You don't need to explain. I'll take care of him. You clearly have somewhere else you need to be." Scott now looked reluctant, like he wasn't sure this was a good idea.

Derek decided that he'd leave on his own, and he had to help his beta. Picking Stiles up he couldn't help but notice how much the teen had changed since receiving the bite. While he was pale and clammy right now, he wasn't as much the skinny teen Derek met out in the woods.

He knew how smart Stiles was, it was one of the main reasons Derek went to him. Maybe deep down Derek had always known that someday they would be pack members.

Derek did what he could, but knew that Stiles would have to be awake before he could trigger the healing process, otherwise, it wouldn't be as effective. Though it was clear that he'd been sedated, which meant they were probably going to be there for a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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