The Orb

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Guardians of the Galaxy

Chapter 1

The Orb

I slouched in the commanding chair, making sure we were still on course to Morag. Peter and his 'girlfriend' were down below, having sex. She was pretty, a bright pink thing. Since Peter turned into a playboy years back, I just ignored it.

I was bored and I heard Peter climbing up, a grin on his face, fully dressed (thankfully) and his Walkman in his hand, old headphones around his neck.

He whined. "Get out of the chair."

I snorted, lean back into it. "Nope."

His voice got whiner. "Nick!"

I mimicked him. "Peter!" There was a co-pilot chair, but I knew he'd react this way and it was funny to see his reaction.

He shoved my shoulder a little, leaning against the armrest, foregoing the other chair. "We almost there?"

I pointed to the large windows. "Look for yourself, genius."

I sighed to myself as Morag was closer. "Yondu's gonna be pissed."

Peter grinned at me. "I'm still gonna do it." He sent me a look. "You can back out, you know?"

I scoffed. "Like I would. I know what he'd say too." I thought about something and mimicked my voice into a deeper tone. "'I could of fed you both to my crew.'"

Peter finished. "'They never had Terran before'."

I shrugged, sighing to myself at the repetitive threat of Yondu's. "We'll just deal with problems like we usually do."

He smirked. "When they show up."

I patted him on the shoulder. "Exactly."

/ / /

We landed the Malino (Peter did) and looked for the Orb. Me and Peter come from a bunch of Ravengers since we were kids, a group of people who basically steal shit to sell or keep.

Peter used his device to look for the Orb. I wondered how far back Yondu and the rest of them are. Peter had his space mask on. I had something like it, just not as dramatic, with his glowing eyes and all. The only part that showed of his head was his mop of blond hair.

We entered a cave and Peter clicked a button to the side of it and it disappeared into the little thing he had as a ear peace. I did the same with mine, as humans, we had to be careful because of oxygen.

I chuckled as he put his headphones on and strapped the Walkman to his waist. Peter grinned back at me. He clicked in on and moved forward. His coat swishing around his calves as he moved.

I wore black cargo pants, below knee boots, a regular dark red shirt and a coat similar to Peter's (as in the leather), but it was a little past butt length, and it was red and grey. It was my style and I liked it. Me and Peter dressed like Ravengers, that was for sure.

Peter turned to face me, his shoulders shaking in the way that told me he was going to start dancing. He moved the headphone away from his ear for a second. I shook my head, grinning. "No way, man. I'm not dancing to no music, that'd be weird."

He shrugged, kicking off and turning back the way he was. I watched in fond amusement as he started kicking puddles, moving this way and that.

He kicked a couple of Orloni out of the way, using one as a microphone to sing into.

I just followed him, my hands in my pockets. Believe it or not, over the years, Peter got me into that weird dancing habit of his, though I wasn't obsessive like he was. Over the past 20 years I knew the lyrics to the songs he had on that tape.

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